Chapter 31 - In The Place Where We Live

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Fast forward a couple years, yeah
Grown up in the place that we live
Make love, then we fight
Laugh 'cause it was only meant to be for one night baby
I guess we can't control
What's just not up to us
Be mine, be mine, yeah
Anytime, anytime

Camila was starring in another movie, it was a small role, but a character one, and more serious than she had done before. The ensemble cast, the writer, director and producer were all top notch and the chance of this being an Oscar-worthy production was pretty big. She was so excited. It was being filmed in New York, and her part wouldn't take long but she hated being away from him. Meanwhile, Shawn was keeping busy. He had discovered a couple of protégés, a young sister and brother who he saw on YouTube and thought were incredible. He wanted to help them like he had been helped, give them the break they needed. He helped them write their first album, and produced it himself, and their first single went top ten, which was amazing. He had also been writing music of his own, for a new album probably next year.

They had now been engaged for over a year, and the house was nearly ready to move into.

They had been out at the house checking out the renovations one weekend just after they purchased it, walking through the beautiful gardens, when she had come to a sudden stop and looked up at Shawn. He was staring at the huge tree and the expanse of lawn surrounded by flowering bushes and he looked down at her and grinned. Sometimes the way they thought the same thing at the same time, and then KNEW what each other was thinking, was just a little bit spooky. Now, she was putting the final touches to all the arrangements.

They moved into the house the moment it was ready. All their boxes of purchases from Europe and all their things from Camila's place, came to join their new things at the Malibu house. The interior decorator came in to help them make the final touches, but really it was their own decisions and style that made the place their home. Shawn stood in the state of the art recording studio he had designed himself with a sense of rising excitement. She went and stood beside him, equally thrilled to have this amazing space for them to make music in.

"Is this your favourite place in the house?" she asked.

He thought about it. "I'm not sure, I think the dance studio is pretty special." It was set up for dance, yoga and meditation and opened out onto the pool area and the gardens there. They had furnished it with a lot of new age and Asian pieces from the travel they did for tours and promo. It was a very peaceful space. "What about you?"

"I love the kitchen!" she enthused. He laughed.

"Why? You know that you can't really cook honey."

"I know, but if I have to go make a sandwich, I'm doing it in style!"

He laughed again.

"And," she added. "Maybe I will finally learn to cook! I can make our kids cookies."

"Well, we have enough room for a few kids. Are you sure that's still what you want?"

She smiled up at him. "Definitely."

"There is one room in the house we haven't included, what about our room? Or should I say suite?" They walked to the little wing of that housed what had been advertised as the "parent's retreat". The master suite included a big bedroom, a living area, a dressing room and a huge en-suite bathroom including a bathtub that overlooked the gardens. It had been garishly decorated and they had the whole thing gutted and redone in more natural and simple décor. She loved it. The movers and cleaners had all gone, it was just them now.

"I feel like we are kids, sneaking into someone else's house."

"I know, like someone is going to come and tell us to get out."

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