Chapter 8 - We Don't Need To Over-Complicate It

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I've never been a fan of heartbreak

So tell me what you want
Take my hands across your body
We don't have to hold on
Oh no, we don't need to over-complicate it
'Cause I've been here once before don't even say it

Baby please no promises
'Cause we won't keep our promises
And I know the consequences
So baby please, baby please no promises

'Cause I've living only for this moment
And I don't wanna let it slip away
I've been living only for this moment
And I don't know how much that I can take

Camila lay in his arms, in his bed, and all was right with the world again. She was like a drug, and when he wasn't with her, when he couldn't touch her body, make her scream out, join together with her, he got anxious and upset. He was addicted to her.

"I have to go, Mama will send the actual FBI after me."

He chuckled.

"Would it be so bad if she found out, if any of our families or friends or management found out?" He wasn't whining, he wasn't even suggesting it, he was just thinking out loud. One of his worries was that he was new on the scene and Camila was more established, not much more when it came to her solo career, but she was well known from her 5H days, and he didn't want it to seem like he was trying to cash in on her fame, or that it was some kind of PR exercise to sell their tour or something.

She rolled half onto his chest, resting her chin on her arms and looking up at him.

"She likes you already, but she's getting suspicious. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just them but it never would be, we would stop hiding how we feel about each other, and others would notice and it would be out in no time."

"How we feel about each other?" he stroked her hair. There were feelings, they both knew that, they'd mentioned it back in Toronto, but they had become overwelmed, or maybe incorporated into, the physical attraction and subsequent sexual relationship they'd developed. Despite their inability to follow through with their intention to stop what they were doing so far, they didn't intend for it to continue, especially not on tour, and so they were both avoiding discussing their emotions, it would just make it harder when it had to end. He wondered if, like him, she was kind of looking ahead, beyond tour, to a time when they could actually take this thing they had to the next level. It wasn't like he spent time thinking about it, but it was a little kernel in the back of his mind that was slowly taking root, however for the same reasons, he couldn't discuss it with her. Other than that – and it was a big thing to be avoiding – they were completely comfortable, open and honest with each other. He'd never met a woman who could tell him what she wanted and he could do the same in return without any self-consciousness, and although the sex was full on serious go-hard-or-go-home it was also fun and tender and sweet. A lot of what made it so special between them was that they were the only two in the world who knew about it.

Camila leaned up and kissed him. She didn't need to say anything, in fact it was better if she didn't. Her phone buzzed and he passed it to her.

"Ugh, it's Mama, I told you, she's chasing me. We didn't even get to practice."

"We don't need as much as we told her we did. Let's do some work on it tomorrow, before we do anything else." He gave her a wicked smile, and she laughed. He loved making her laugh. He watched as she ran around picking up all her clothes and then going into the bathroom.

"I'm going to have a quick shower, because Mama ain't stoopid!" She closed the door and he laughed, then lay back with his arms behind his head, thinking of this wild ride his life had become. On Friday night they would perform separately and together at the Jingle Ball, but tomorrow the announcement about the joint tour would be released. They had already leaked rumours about it, and there were good and bad responses from fans. Their managements were hoping they'd pick up fans from each other after this, he hoped they were right. He was worried some of his fans, the more emotionally attached you might say, might not like him touring with a sexy latin firecracker like Camila. He knew that the "shipping" had already started just based on rumours, he had been on Instagram and Twitter and seen the posts, and it would only increase once the tour began. It remained to be seen whether this joint tour was a good or bad thing. He was of two minds himself, still pissed he didn't get his own headlining tour as promised, but excited to be travelling the world for five months with Camila.

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