Part 27

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"I'm gonna keep it straight forward. We all deserve better. You all deserve better. You've lost family members and close friends because of the way this Kingdom is being ruled." I say as my voice blares through the hall. People whoop and scream i love yous. "I opened my heart to someone I never thought would break it but in the process I have become broken. Your King has himself a mistress." I say as my eyes begin water.

People yell apologies others whoop even louder. "I deserve better!" I yell into the microphone. People scream yeahs. Some boo but I disregard that. "You all deserve better! As far as I am concerned I am still Queen. So I will rule separately from the King. I will have my own castle and I will welcome your Packs with open arms. I believe in your personal rights. Maids will be able to live in there own homes and not sleep in closets. You won't have to fear for your life when I walk into the Castle!" I yell into the Microphone.

People whoop and holler in agreement. Megan appears behind me and I jump slightly. She looks at me with a soft smile before grabbing my hand. She pulls it up in the air along with her own.

"All hail Queen of all Alpha's!" Megan yells and everyone repeats it over and over again. Megan pulls me into a hug and I fight back tears. Not just from this beautiful moment but because of everything that has happened. I've been deceived and take for granted of by the love of my life.

"We can talk more later" She whispers in my ear.

"If you plan on moving your pack with me, go back home to your pack houses and regular homes. If you are a maid please feel free to take refuge at my old pack, Willow Wolf Pack." I say and they all nod before splitting out. I see my mate in the distance staring at me with anger yet disappointment.

I quickly step off the podium and walk out of the Castle. Megan follows behind me and I get in drivers seat as she gets in the passenger. I begin to drive off to Vanessa and Matteo's pack, Willow Wolves.


My phone was blowing up with emails from different packs about how excited they where to call me there queen. It's our 3rd hour on the road and 17 out of the 30 packs are now mine to rule. I look over at Megan and she smirks at me. I look away and continue to drive. "So what about Gabe?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"He wants to stay neutral in all of this but in this case staying neutral is choosing the enemy." Megan says and I huff.

"James isn't the enemy-" I start to say but she cuts me off instantly.

"No! He is the enemy. He cheated on his mate! Who does that!" Megan yells and I wince at her tone slightly. She isn't wrong. It's just something about it seemed off. It just didn't make sense to me. But now I have 17 packs to rule and I need to focus.


We pull up to my parents house and we get out of the car. I knock on the door and it immediately opens. Me and Megan are both pulled in the house and hugged.

"Oh piccola! Mi sento per te." My mom says whole hugging me. I feel my tears begin to well up in my eyes but I fought them off. My father pulls me out of my mothers arms and into his.
(Oh baby! I feel for you!)

"How are you feeling?" He asks me and I don't respond I just hug him back. My brother strokes my hair from behind me and smile at him. Vanessa runs to the door from the kitchen and pulls me into her arms while kissing all over my face.

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