July 21

12 1 0

12:33 am

Taehyung and Yoongi were sitting at the end of a cliff overlooking the wilderness. This part of Seoul was less crowded and had a Township vibe to it. The clear sky and pollution-free air made way to a spectacular view of stars.

With slight wind and cozy clothes, the two sat there in silence, absorbing all the splendid things the world around them missed.

"It's gorgeous."

"I almost feel like my life is small in this vastness and my existence is meaningless."

"Someone told me that stars are a source of hope."


"Whenever you think you need some courage and whenever you need some hope that everything will be alright, Look up to the stars, and grab on to their light, it will give you some luck and hope."

"How do you know if it would work?"

"The light has traveled from far away just to reach you. I think they have enough wisdom and power to lend you some."

"But there are so many, how would you keep track of it?"

"That's the beauty of it," He said with a smile, hand outstretched at the night sky, grabbing at one of the little stars, "You never run out of hope to pluck from."

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