February 1

9 1 0

7:19 pm

Taehyung was making his way to Yoongi's dorm room. It was their last year at university. The long and narrow corridor was bright, the cold beige walls reflected the sunlight well. He had two take-out containers with him to feed Yoongi.

He knocked at the door and waited for Yoongi to open it. With graduation nearing, the pressure was also higher, and Taehyung was worried Yoongi was taking it out on himself. The door unlocked with a click.

Taehyung's eyebrows rose so high it could almost touch his hairline.

"You have pink hair," Taehyung said, his eyes widening in surprise and the shocked look on his face complimented his feelings.

Yoongi chuckled, "If I hear anything about cotton candies, I will personally throw you out."

Taehyung made a zipping motion across his lips, and only then was he let in. The room seemed better than it ever was during this time of the semester. The separate sleeping area was in shambles, it appeared as if a battle had taken place there. The painting on the easel looked half done but in one piece.

He observed that Yoongi was definitely doing better than he imagined.

Yoongi went straight back to the painting while Taehyung took out the food containers to re-heat it in the little microwave on the shelf before diving into the bed.

"How's the final year project going?"

"Better than I had imagined actually," Yoongi said, still facing the canvas, "Hoseok came by yesterday, to brainstorm any upgrades. Your presentation comes earlier right, how are you managing?"

"It's going great. My professor had passed on one of my compositions to BH Entertainment. I'm waiting for their reply."

Yoongi snapped his head towards Taehyung at that, "Tae! That's amazing! why didn't you tell us about it sooner?"

"I found out about it only today, and I thought I'll let them know after I get a reply," Taehyung said with a smile, propping himself up on his elbows, "I don't want to get them excited only to be disappointed"

"Nobody will be disappointed," Yoongi placed his brush on the palette mixer, and dragged his stool closer to the bed Taehyung was lying on, "So, if you get a positive reply what will happen?"

"Well, I get to sign a contract them and hopefully get a job," Taehyung said and then added smugly, "The final year project would not be so important anymore, and I get to make fun of you guys dying to complete it."

Yoongi smacked Taehyung's face with the paint-spilled hands, transferring some of the paint to his cheek. He ignored Taehyung's whining and said, "That's awesome, you really are talented huh?"

"Not really, I don't know if they will select me"

"Whatever they do doesn't change the fact that you are talented."

Taehyung was practically swooning at the compliment when he noticed the painting on the canvas.

The girl in the painting was surrounded by a greyish violet fog with splatters of white. Fine lines of white hair floating around complimented the pinkish complexion, she looked to be serenely asleep underwater.

Yoongi's hand extended from behind him to pull open a tape that had failed to notice. He carefully lifted the stencil paper up to reveal the actual painting. The sleeping girl had a gold crown and an antler that seemed to be stuck in gold threads coming from all over.

The stars that hung from the thin threads seemed to glitter as he moved.

"It looks beautiful hyung," Taehyung said, not being able to take his eyes away from the innocent girl with antlers and a crown.

Yoongi smiled leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder from behind, "I know."

The ping from the microwave reminded them of their hungry stomach.

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