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They all sit calmly on the jet, Aurora looks around in awe not yet believing they had 
their own jet, as she sits alone drinking coffee and reading her book. Spence sits down opposite me "what're you reading?"
she looks up at him fighting the blush off her cheeks "this is my absolute favourite book ever, it's called 'words in deep blue' by Cath Crowley, an Australian author"
he nods slowly
"what's it about?" she is almost stumped, no-one had ever been interested enough to ask before "um its a romance, this girl Rachel is in love with her best friend but she has to move away, she leaves him a letter but his bitchy on again off girlfriend hides it so he never finds it. then her brother dies and she fails out of school and then moves back to her old town where he lives, but she thinks he is just ignoring her letter but he never got it and just thinks she hates him for no reason, it's basically about her coming back to herself and him after her brother's death pulling her into depression."

He sits alert during the whole spiel about her favourite book, "wow that sounds so good, any chance I could give it a read?"
she was gobsmacked he had actually listened let alone wanted to read it "yeah sure just give it back when you're done"
I close the worn cover and pass it over to him. "thanks, I'll be finished by the time we land.''
smiling at him as he starts to read the blurb at the back of the book. pulling out one of the other books she had packed, Aurora sits across from him and they sit together, reading at the very same pace in a comfortable silence.


"Hotch I have some information for you guys" hearing Penelope's voice coming from the screen where Hotch was sitting. Spence and Rory both close their  books and go over to sit on the couch opposite Hotch "what've you got Garcia?"
Em asks "well we have an ID on our two most recent victims, Mary-Anne Thomas and Katie Daniels both were blonde, 22 year old college students from different colleges in Florida."
Rory's thoughts race 'ok so he's not travelling far, maybe he doesn't have a job that can facilitate travel?'
"maybe he's not travelling far because he had a job that does not permit that kind of free time?"
everyone nods "The kid's right serial killers usually will travel far and wide to pick up victims because they know it's harder for us to trace it back to them, but if he has a job that won't let him leave for long periods of time, then that would force him to stay within his comfort zone."
smiling at Rossi's words. she was still in awe that he even knew who she was "I'll get started on a geographical profile, if we're right about this I should be able to come up with a relative area for his home and work"

"Alright when we land, I want Reid and JJ to set up at the local PD, Reid I want you working the geographical profile. Hearst, Rossi, to the ME's office I wanna know exactly what happened to all nine victims. Prentiss, Morgan you're with me, we're meeting officers at the dump site."
Hotch dolled out the tasks one by one, she was with Dave. Rory closes her eyes making a quick  prayer that she wouldn't embarrass herself in front of the man she had idolised for so many years. 

Two minutes before they land Spence taps Rory on the shoulder and hands her back the soft, worn book, "I might have to buy myself a copy of that one it was so good!" 

She smiles, embarrassed by how sweet he had been "that's so good I'm glad you liked it, thoughts?" 

He ponders for a second "I hated Amy so much she was so annoying and strung henry along for the absolute longest time, Henry and Rachel were obviously meant for each other, Henry was super annoying at the start when he keep going back to her when he clearly had a better option, and when he ditched her on valentine's day I got so mad. But I love the idea of a letter library, I've always preferred letter writing than texting or calls. It is just so much better you know?" Every word he spoke resonated with Aurora "I couldn't agree more, Amy was a little bitch I hated her so much for stringing Henry along for so long and like when she just let her boyfriend grab them off the road and throw them in the trunk and did not do anything about it I was like what the hell why would you stay with her after that! But yes I definitely agree texting is a lot more convenient but letter writing is just so romantic, the idea of a letter library is so nice to think about but nowadays it just seems like people would destroy it you know?" 

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