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"Boy?!" The word came out as an insulting problem. I had not meant it to sound like that. Apparently it made him feel like that. I did my best to keep a straight face. If he was going to see I was laughing at him for getting angry at that, he might kill me on the spot. 

"I am not a boy! Do you even know who I am?!" He yelled. I could see it now. His hand  resting on the top of his sword. I really had to watch my words around this guy. 

"I am prince Viridian. Soon to be king." He walked up to me and stood inches away from my face. I could smell the sweat on him. Wait.. That wasn't right.. He could not be the one of the book. He could not be the one from the story. He could not be one of the many characters. It would explain where I was. Only not why I was here..

"The prince Viridian? The one from the stories?" He was surprised at my words. He responded with a half smile on his face. 

"Of course there are stories about me. Probably about the great fight that is coming." He spoke with a pride. One I had not expected him to be like. If he was indeed the one of the story, he was nothing I had expected. He was young. Strangly young. In the book he was older. Bearly mentioned. I always imagined some elder man. Not someone my age. The great fight coming. If he was talking about the one in the book.. He was going to lose. He turned around again. Leaning forward on his table. I should.. Tell him. Everything. He wouldn't believe me. Who would believe that all? They thought I was a messanger before. Might as well make use of that.

"You are going to lose that battle. You will lose everything you fought for." I spoke. The beg on my shoulder became more heavy. Only not as heavy as the arrow. There was silence.

"I won't l-." I cut him off immediately. "Your stupid letter will fall in the wrong hands. At least one of them. I don't think you want to hear the rest." I spoke with confidence. It was hard to do. Specially with the fact that he could kill me. Probably painful as well and leave me to slowly die and become nothing in some book someone read once in their lives. He did not turn around at my words. All I could see was his muscles tighten the shirt he was wearing under his armour.

"I am ready to go back to that cage now." I said before I could dig a bigger problem for myself. 

Such a bad guy ~ Prince ViridianWhere stories live. Discover now