Chapter 22

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Adriana's POV:

I woke up to two bodies crushing me. I looked over to find Enzo and Matteo on top of me. After what felt like ten minutes of struggling I finally got out of bed. I checked the time and it was 4:36 and it was Friday which meant pants! I ran and took a shower and brushed my teeth.

I hop into kneeish length high waisted black jean shorts that were super comfortable and stretchy. I did the fingertips test to make sure I wouldn't be dress coded and banned from ever participating in casual Friday. I then put on my short sleeve white uniform shirt with my tie cause the only casual part of the uniform is from the waist down.

They can't call you out for wearing your shirt untucked so I left it out. The rules of casual Friday are that your jeans can't be ripped or distressed, shorts and skirts have to pass the fingertip test, no profanity or offensive pants or socks, and lastly no exposed feet.

I slipped on some random ankle socks I found in my drawer. They have little skunks on them which are so cute. I then put on my custom high voltage white and reflective yellow Air Forces. Aleksandr got them for me as my first day gift. Since he couldn't buy me all my school supplies and backpacks like he normally does he got me 3 pairs of shoes.

Even though I grew up in a penthouse across from Central Park Alek didn't blow money on random shit all the time

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Even though I grew up in a penthouse across from Central Park Alek didn't blow money on random shit all the time. If I wanted new shoes I had to buy them with my allowance. If the thing I wanted was limited edition and I was behaving he'd by them for me and hold onto them until I either earned them by behaving or bought them from him. I'd normally buy it from him since I was constantly getting in trouble for beating up/fighting with Nikolai. He wanted me to value money and hard work. Niko had the same upbringing but he's so spoiled still. Maybe it wasn't Aleksandr's teachings but Xiomara's actions that ultimately humbled me.

Last night, I got permission from Enzo to sleepover at Maddie's so after Aleksandr takes me to my appointment and buys me my football gear he'll drop me off at Maddie's.

Since it was still hella early I grabbed my duffel bag and started packing all my clothing and necessities for the weekend. I also packed my charger and laptop so I can do my homework.

It was now 5:22 so I decided to ruin Nikolai's morning by waking him up early.

I FaceTimed him and he answered on the 7th ring


"Shut the fuck up Adriana!" He hissed

"Get up I want Dunkin breakfast!"

"You don't eat breakfast. This is just a mean attempt to get me out of bed before 7:30." I grumbled

"Dude is that why you're always late? You can't wake up 30 minutes before school. They're gonna call Dima and he's gonna yell at you."

"He's working on a high profile case right now so you know he's gonna send everything to his secretary. If it's unrelated to the case she doesn't tell him."

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