Chapter 79

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Adriana's POV

Once we got home from dropping off Alessio, Sergei made dinner. He didn't leave the table until I finished all my food. That's one thing I dislike about Sergei. He gave me a small portion but it still took me nearly two hours to finish. Afterwards he let me go to my room.

I decided to call Tyler. I locked my door turned on the tv loud and put on my headphones. If I got caught talking to a boy by Yuri I'd definitely be giving him free weed and drinks.

Ty picked up on the 3rd ring

"Hey tequila!"

"Hey Diablito." I smiled 

"How are you?" he asked

"I've been spending the day with mine and Nikolai's uncles. Alessio was over today too. What have you been up to?"

"Just doing homework. I got a couple acceptance and rejection letters."

"That's awesome! The acceptance letters part not the rejection."

"I know what you meant. I don't mind the rejection letter cause it helps me narrow down my choices. I applied for early decision at my reach school and I heard back today."

"Holy fuck! Did you get in?" I started bouncing in my seat

"That's a secret Tomato."

"You're so cruel!"

"Have you heard back from any schools?"

"Yeah, I heard back from my early decision last month."

"And you didn't say anything? How rude."

"That makes two of us." I giggled

"Have you told Aleksandr or anyone?"

"No, but I found a cute way to reveal it. I know my family is gonna want to celebrate on Decision day but this is a moment I always imagined having with Alek so I want him to be the first to know." I admitted

"That's really sweet. Since my dad is abroad I'm gonna send him a video. I bought a piñata of the animal that's my school mascot. I filled it with confetti of my school colors, candies that wrapping match the colors, and I'm gonna roll up my acceptance letter and put it in. The video will show me breaking the piñata then picking up the acceptance letter and saying what school I'm going to plus Class of 2023."

"That's so creative! I like that idea. It's way better than what I did."

"What's your idea?" He asked

"I ordered shirts from all the colleges I applied to and put all of them off. The video shows me taking them all off. The very last shirt says the college I'm going to. Then I hold up my acceptance package and say that he's an [insert school name] Dad. I mailed him a box with a mug, shirt, keychain, and bumper sticker that read 'Father of an [insert school name] Student'. The box also has a cute stuffed owl I bought. Since I'm their little owl I got it embroidered to say my school name and class of 2023 on it's wings. The final and most important thing is my acceptance letter which I had laminated and framed for him. I wrote a note that says call JJ before you open."

"That's such a sweet reveal. He'll love that. It's it's even more creative than mine. How are you gonna reveal it to the Italians?"

"I'm gonna do what other people do and buy a shit ton of merchandise from your school and snacks that match your school colors. Then get balloons that spell out my school's name. Then I'll hold up my acceptance letter and take a picture of everything displayed on my bed plus the balloons taped on my wall behind me."

"I saw a couple of the girls in our grade posting those pics on Insta."

"So off topic, why are you shirtless?"

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