Chapter 89

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Adriana's POV:

During the bus ride I disabled the trackers. When we got to my place I changed into brown shorts and a crop top .

"Ew gross put on a bra!"

"No fuck off I'm comfortable."

"Whatever let's play all the games we'd get grounded for playing!" I nodded in agreement and we started playing GTA V.

We also ordered pizza and talked apparently Alessio has a girlfriend name Emma. She's in his grade and her sister is the Kayla the bitch who roofied him. I also told him about Tyler and I.

"Wow I wish I could spend the night with Emma but I'd rather not have my ass beat again."

"Yeah well I live alone so I'm good." I rubbed in his face

"Must be nice. The house has been really lonely without you." he said sad

"I'm sorry Alessio but know you can stay here whenever you want."

"I know it's just annoying be youngest you know. Ever since the whole Aleksandr incident they've been going back and forth. They always argue and fight but now there is more tension. I just rather not be home right now. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells." his phone started ring and he sighed when he saw the name.

"Speak of the Devil." he shows me the caller ID. It's dad calling on FaceTime

"Answer." he nods


"Why the fuck aren't you at school and why are your trackers disabled?"

"I decided to take a mental health day. School and home is too stressful." I answered

"Mental health day? Seriously Alessio? You're 13 what are you so stressed out about. Stop making excuses for being lazy. Your sister ran a mafia, played multiple sports, and is graduating early. Do half the things she does then talk to me about stress."

"Don't use me to invalidate his emotions. He's allowed to feel stressed. Don't call him names either it's uncalled for." I growled

"If he's stressed he could've stayed home."

"Right cause the house is so relaxing." he answered sarcastically making dad growl

"Where are you two?"

"I'm at Adriana's place."

"Why aren't you at school AJ?" he asked me

"They gave seniors who've committed to a college the day off as a reward." I answered honestly

"Oh right you committed. I forgot since you chose to tell the Russians over us." Mom interjected

"I'm entitled to tell who I want. Alek raised me so I chose to share that moment with him."

"Are you gonna tell us?" She scoffed

"Wait no don't tell me come to the house right now. I know you're angry at us for what happened in Russia but you're still my kid and Charlotte has been dying to throw you a party."

"No twin day back off!" Alessio jumped in

"How about I come Friday after school and stay the weekend unless you piss me off. I can do a cute school reveal with you." I suggested

"That works we can also celebrate Rylie and Tyler." Alessio suggested

"Yeah and we each get our own cake with our school on it." I said excited I love cake

"Yeah each day could be a different reveal and since you guys don't know AJ's we can get the cake on our own." Alessio added

"You guys are just trying to get free cake, but that does sound fun so I'll talk to Lorenzo and Elijah about it." he said

"Okay But don't tell Ty or Riley it's a surprise." Alessio said

"Also can Alessio spend the night. I have a washer and dryer so I can wash his uniform for tomorrow. I'm also never late to school."

"No you two always do something stupid."

"Cmon dad please it's been a rough time for me I need my twin." Alessio begged

"My answer is no."

"Well you don't have Adriana's address which means I can stay and face your wrath tomorrow." Alessio said with a smirk

"I swear to God Alessio you won't be able to sit for weeks and I won't let you go on the eighth grade trip." He growled

"He'll be home tonight I'll drop him off." I sighed and Alessio hung up

"I can stay AJ." He frowned

"No you've been looking forward to that trip since school started. I can't take that from you. I'll be home this weekend so it'll be fine." I gave him a weak smile

"But you're not fine. I know you're trying to put on a brave front but Aleksandr was basically your dad and he took her side. We didn't defend you which hurt more and I know you feel alone. I want to be here for you, but I'm afraid you're pushing everyone away and you're gonna do something reckless. I don't want to identify your body." he sounded scared and worried

"Look it does hurt... a lot. I lost mom then all I had was Aleksandr and everyone in Russia. When I found out he couldn't have kids, I made it my goal to take over. He adopted me and it was me and Alek. For a long time it was enough but then she came along and I knew things would change. I treated her bad because I was scared to lose Aleksandr, I didn't want to accept her because that meant giving up Aleksandr. He said he'd never put anyone above me like my mother and that's exactly what he did. I don't have the mafia and now I feel weak. Dad won't let me be part of his mafia because I'm a girl. Now all I'm good for is marriage and bearing children. So yeah I'm gonna be reckless, I'm gonna fight, race, and break a couple laws. I have nothing to lose because I already lost everything." hot tears were running down my cheek and he hugged me

"I'm sorry that's probably tough. I can't relate but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. How about instead of being reckless you help me. I can't fight and my explosive training is going great and Sergei says despite everything going on he's still gonna teach me. You can take me to judo with you and teach me."

"I actually like that plan a lot. I know what it's like to wanna do more in this family so I got you. We can also do weapons training."

"And we can party too. Who says we can't have fun." I laughed


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Mwah 😔

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