Chapter 74

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Adriana's POV:

Everyone changed into comfortable clothes and everyone in the group drank and/or got high. I only took a shot and found it absolutely disgusting and stopped.

Maddie got her hair dyed blue and the stylist had temporarily hair paint that she brushed into my curls. I had a head of vibrant green hair.

Right now Alessio is getting his tattoo Maddie and I are also getting our belly buttons pieced which I'm excited for.

Later that day

It's 2:38 pm and I just woke up. I checked my phone and am met with hundreds of missed calls

"Fuck." I say to myself

"GUYS GET UP WE GOTTA GO HOME!" they jump up and groan. I groan too I'm gonna die

We all shower and get dressed. I comb my green hair so it looks cute. I know my family is gonna make me wash it out so I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts. Maddie also does her blue ombré hair.

I covered up my belly button ring so they wouldn't make me take it out

"Let's get ready to get in trouble." I sighed

They dropped Tyler, Niko, Alessio, and me off. We walked in with our heads hung. Everyone was staring at us angry





Everyone yelled at the same time

"Living room now!" my fathers voice rang out above everyone else's

We obeyed and sat on the couch

"Where were you last night?" he asked

"We stayed at a house I bought." I answered

"What else?"

"Then we went to a party for less than an hour and dipped, we had a stylist come and do mine and Maddie's hair. The boys just tagged along."

"A PARTY!" everyone yelled

"It was under an hour we wanted to see what one was like and we were disappointed with the results." I answered honestly

"Why didn't you answer your phone? And how did you disable your trackers?"

"We didn't wanna get caught. Your trackers are trash."

"Well why do you have hickeys?" mom asked Alessio

"A girl." he answered


"Trust me we're over." he said

"So you went for a one night stand?" Mom spat

"No not at all I left because she wanted to do a lot more than I was comfortable with." he defended

"BULLSHIT!" Our brothers barked

"It's not, she wanted more than just making out and foreplay so can we not talk about it?" he asked sounding ashamed

"You don't get that privilege!" Ace yelled

"Actually he does! He's clearly uncomfortable so back off!" I defended him

"Worry about yourself little girl." Gramps yelled and I gulped

I'm in for it now

"Your room now!" he ordered I looked at dad, mom, Zio, Zia, my cousins, and brothers and no one stopped me

I got up and made my way upstairs

"One last thing we aren't going to New York, But I assumed you knew that." dad said before I went up

"Nikolai you too." Roman said.

"I think I'll pass." he said

"NIKOLAI MILO IVANOV UPSTAIRS NOW!" his voice boomed and Niko bolted up the stairs

We were sitting on my bed with our heads down

"You know not only am I livid I'm beyond disappointed in you. I thought you were responsible and mature but I failed to see that you're just a child. If it were up to me I'd take away the mafia from both of you, but I'm not the leader anymore. Instead of 18 you'll take over at 21, but know that another slip up and Aleksandr's unborn child will take over."

"You're having a kid?" I asked shocked and hurt

"Yes, but that's not the discussion. I've told you many time not to dye your hair because it's really damaging to your curl patterns. I let it slide when Alessandro's bitch straighten your hair but to sneak out and do that with the money I give you is insulting!"

"It washes out! She didn't use any chemicals I swear!" I interrupted

"Good. Nonetheless this proves I've been far to lenient with you. I'm no longer going to baby you like I used to." he said so cold I'm sure hell froze over

"What do you mean?" I asked my voice was shaky

"You will continue to assume all your responsibilities on your own. We've also decided to give you LA and New York. I'm going back to Russian I'm only to be contacted in the event of an emergency. I will check in along with my father, I expect hear your valedictorian speech. So don't let your grades drop, you are also to continue all your extracurriculars."

"I can't do all that." I cried

"You'll manage. If you knew how to stay out of trouble I wouldn't be forced to fill your schedule. I'm doing this to ensure you don't have time to pull anymore stunts. I hope you find this to be a learning experience."

"Please I'll do better I promise."

"It's not like you have a choice, when you screw up you'll be punished. I will no longer celebrate a good job because that's the standard. Don't disappoint me again because you won't like the outcome." he glared

"Yes sir." I choked out

"Nikolai you will stay here with Adriana. Listen to her family and Adriana for she is your leader. Don't be stupid either." with that they all left

"I want those blueprints in my email before I board, you're lucky Alek told me not to spank you even though you deserve it." Gramps said before he too walked out

Once they closed the door I started sobbing. Niko hugged me. Then someone knocked it was Matteo

"They want you downstairs." then he left

I got up with Niko and went down. I sat on the couch

"Since Nikolai and Tyler are going to stay here there are new rules.

You three aren't to be alone together

Don't close the door when you are upstairs

Don't disobey or there will be consequences"

"Wait Tyler too?"

"Yes Elijah has to travel abroad. So you and Alessio will share a room together." I nodded

"Are we done here I have business to attend to?"

"No you're all grounded til graduation or I'm not mad anymore. Come home right after school. All of you turn in your phones except Adriana. Lights out at 10. Behave at school and in the house. You'll also be picked up by someone." I nodded then when to my room to call my engineer


He's having a kid!!!

Favorite moment from this chapter?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 👶🏼

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