teenage | f i v e

184 13 3

Daerim slowly opened her eyes and was then greeted by a white light. Her vision adjusted little by little and then knew that she's in the clinic.

She turned her head to the side and saw someone leaning on a chair with eyes closed and arms crossed together.

A loud bang then made the two inside flinched.

"Holy shit Daerim are you ok?"
Yuna asked her and reached for her forehead.


Someone from behind the curtain yelled which made Daerim shiver in fear. It was her mother. Yuna's eyes widened and immediately held her friend's trembling hands.

The curtain opened revealing Mrs. Kim with fiery eyes. At her back was Mr. Kim who was staring at them with a dark expression.


"We'll talk about this at home"

Her mother said coldly before heading towards the clinic door with her father

A moment of silence occured between them two and the atmosphere went cold afterwards.

Tears rolled down as Daerim started sobbing while sitting in the bed. She covered her face using her hands.

Yuna was out of breath seeing her bestfriend crying for how many times already.

The girl wrapped her arms around her and softly caressed her hair making her feel a little bit ok.

"We will get through this Daerim-ah"

Daerim's tears didn't stopped and she continued crying on her shoulders.

After a few minutes, she finally stopped but still felt the heaviness in her heart. It was like she's been overrun by a huge boulder from nowhere.

She couldn't imagine the happenings later once she stepped in their house. Maybe she'll just see her things outside and her parents making her get out from their lives.

"Y-yuna I think I already know who's the father"


"Yuna stop! Please!" Daerim pleaded while holding tight on to her arms.

Yuna was in range after knowing. She immediately went outside and headed towards their classroom but Daerim managed to hold her in the hallway.


The other girl started crying again. She didn't want them to cause a scene because it will only make things worse.

"Please! Just stop!"

"Why?! Did he stopped fucking you at that night?! Huh?!" Yuna angrily shouted towards her crying friend.

"Listen to me first Yuna!" She said with sad eyes.

Yuna clenched her jaw before looking away. She let out a heavy sigh and turned her gaze towarde Daerim.

"L-let's not cause a scene here, we will go to him but not now"
She then laughed sarcastically after hearing her words. The girl badly wants to slit his throat and doesn't give a fuck whether she'll go to jail or not.

It was her bestfriend that they were talking about and she could do anything just to protect her. She never had a sister and she treated Daerim as one since the first time they met.

She's not only her friend but she is her family.

"Fine and for your information that bullshit carried you to the clinic when you fainted"

Her eyes widened and she could feel her heart beating so fast.

The two then heard the bell ringing indicating that it was already their break time.

They walked side by side towards the cafeteria and Yuna swung it open. Eyes everywhere then followed them as they walk to the counter to get some food.

Good thing the incident earlier didn't spread across the school well it's because of Yuna's threat to the people who saw it.

She said a variety of freshly cut tongues will be dispayed in the school's cafeteria when someone shares to the others about what happened.

When they found a table they immediately placed their trays. Daerim was lowering her head the whole time while eating afraid to meet the eyes of the student's inside.

Yuna didn't care, she had her chin up ready to have a staring competition to whoever dares to look into her eyes.

While eating, Yuna noticed a pair of eyes from her peripheral view. She turned her head and saw a girl from beside their table looking at their direction.

She threw out a glare and the short-haired girl shifted her gaze to her two friends who was joining her too in the table.

Daerim hit her elbows making her wince a bit.

"Stop it Yuna"

Then suddenly all attention went to the large doors when a group of boys got inside.

The girl trembled while looking at a boy smiling like a bright sun. Yuna on the other side was preventing herself to stand up and ran towards them.

"That sun shit" She whispered and received a warning look from her friend.

She rolled her eyes before torturing the pizza in her plate.


Daerim silently opened the door of their house and went in.

It was silent so she thought that maybe her parents were at work.

But she stopped in her tracks when she saw her parents sitting on the couch while staring darkly at her.

Her grip on her bag tightened and she felt like her heart wanted to burst out from her chest.

"M-mom, d-da—"

She didn't finished her words when she received a heavy slap on her right cheek.

It was Mrs. Kim holding her anger. Her father stood up from his seat and tried to stop his wife.

"We didn't raised a slut!!"

Daerim's cheeks became wet and she was already crying. She felt the sting but hearing her mother calling her a slut made her heart hurt even more.

"Mom let me explain!"

"Explain what?! This?!"

A small thin rectangle shaped object fell below her feet and that's when she realized that it was a pregnancy test kit.

Her hand trembled as she covers her mouth sobbing. The red lines were clearer in her eyes and she knew that it was the kit she used.

She didn't know where on earth did they get that from.

"Who is the father Daerim?"

Her dad said, it sounded so calm yet so angry and she was afraid by it.

"I-i don't know"

Anothet hand landed on her cheeks slapping her again. She cried and cried before falling down to her knees.

"Find the father of the child you are carrying or you'll know what will happen to you"

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