teenage | n i n e

179 12 3

Daerim heavily sighed as she stared at reflection on the full length mirror. She was wearing her school uniform again after how many days.

Her eyes dropped to her stomach and noticed that its size became bigger a little.

Releasing another sigh, she reached for her medicines and walked downstairs.

It was Saturday today and she have to go to school, exams are starting next week. Luckily she already submitted her projects.

She then saw her mom getting lunch ready. The girl bit her lower lip before heading towards the table.

Mrs. Kim shifted her attention to her daughter who was clutching the small box of medicines.

"Daerim eat now"

She kept quiet and pulled out a chair before sitting. Her mom placed a plate in front of her and scooped out some dishes and rice.

"Where's dad?"

The woman stopped and lifted her head up giving her daughter a small smile before continuing again.

"Checking out the house that the Lee's we're referring to"

Daerim felt her heart tightened up as she just stared at her mother.

They were really serious about Haechan and her living in the same house.

"W-we're moving?" She asked in a low voice preventing herself to shed tears in front of her mother.

"Yes, next week after your exams"

Her hand then reached for the chopsticks to eat. Maybe eating will make this feeling right now fade a litte, she thought in her head.

After a few minutes, she found herself trying to take the last medicine. She feels like throwing up while drinking the water.

"Are you done Daerim?"

She nodded and placed the glass on the table. Mrs. Kim handed her a paper bag which caused her to lift up her brow.

"What's this for?"

"In case if you'll feel weird or dizzy"

A sound of a car's horn was then heard from the outside causing their attention to turn to the door.

"You should go now" Her mom added and left her.

She shrugged her shoulders off because of the unwelcomed feeling that was building in her entire body.

The girl went to the door and opened it for her to go out. She almost had her jaw dropped on the ground after seeing someone leaning on a car looking like a campus hunk.

She watched as how he ran his fingers through his hair while looking slightly up in the sky.

The sun was hot but he was hotter.

His tan skin seemed to be glowing due to the rays from above and it made him look like an angel who had just descended from the heaven realms.

"What are you doing here?" She immediately looked away when their eyes met.

"Obviously I'm here to pick you up cause we're going to school together"

Haechan answered before putting his hands in his pockets.

"And why?" She asked again with brows furrowed.

"Because my parents said so"

Daerim rolled her eyes and started walking towards him. She didn't want to see his face nor his presence around, it only wants her to bury him to the ground.

teenage | lee donghyuck [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now