teenage | t w e l v e

161 11 4

Daerim forced herself to listen to their teacher who was currently discussing about math.

It's already monday and as time passes by, she could see that her baby bump becomes more visible. Yuna even squealed when she noticed it and faked a cry.

Haechan on the back kept on looking at the girl, he was making sure if she feels ok or what because it's his responsibility.

"Ok! We will be having a suprise quiz!"

The student's reaction were late, it took them a second to realize that they are having a test on math.

Good thing Daerim studied in advance so she won't have any problems in answering. Well, her seatmate is the complete opossite of her though.

Yuna scratched her head using the tip of her pen while looking at the problems on the board. The girl seemed to be stressed out and didn't know what to write on her paper.

Daerim chuckled before copying down the writings on the whiteboard.

"Finish or not pass your papers to the front!!"

Some of the students inside started to panic and almost wanted to cry. Daerim turned her head to Yuna's direction and saw her relaxing.

"Did you finished it Yuna?" The other girl then smirked at her and showed a thumbs up.

She silently laughed and shook her head. Who knows how she answered all of those without studying.

"Stan a queen like me sis" Yuna winked which made them both laugh.


Daerim exhaled a large amount of air before heading to her locker. There are students around talking and as usual, when they saw the girl, their attention diverted to her.

She felt uncomfortable and tightened her grip on the books she was hugging.

Silence followed and as she opened her locker, whispers started. The girl bit her lower lip and tried to ignore it.

"Gosh why is this so heavy?" She mumbled while struggling in slipping her books inside.

Her eyes immediately widened when her notebook fell from her grip.

She was about to bend her knees to reach out but someone else's hand lay hold of it before she could.

A tall brown-haired cute boy met her gaze as she tilted her head up.

He flashed a sweet smile to the suprised girl showing his white teeth.

"T-thank you" She spoke after he handed her the notebook.

"No problem, I'm Daesung by the way"

The male stretched out his arm hoping to receive a hand shake. Daerim stared at him saying that she can't because she's struggling in carrying the books.

"Oh haha wait let me help you with that" Daesung took some of it and helped her.

Eyes were still at them and little did they know that a pair of brown orbs observed them from a far.

The student leaning on a tree not so far away from them rolled his eyes and placed both of his hands on his pocket before walking away completely pissed off by the scene.


"Hey Daerim I heard that Daesung showed up in front of your locker"

Yuna started the conversation while casually checking her new polished nails. The other girl nodded and continued in reading a novel.

Their subject teacher was absent due to some reasons and for this hour they can do whatever they wanted.

The two just decided to stay inside the classroom cause their lazy butts are too lazy to roam around.

"You know if you and Daesung will end up together then I'll call your ship Dae-Dae" Yuna couldn't help but yell it out a bit and giggle afterwards because she find it cute.

Daerim was about to smack her on the head for her crazy imaginations when a loud bang echoed across the entire room.

Her friend almost fell from her seat out of suprise. All heads then turned to the boy behind them.

Daerim gasped while looking at him, both hands were slammed on his desk and he appeared to be not in a good mood.

"Can you shut up?!" Haechan shot Yuna a deadly glare which made her confused.

"Hae—" Jaemin didn't finished his words when his friend suddenly stormed out of the classroom.

Daerim raised her left brow with a what-the-hell-happened-to-him look. Jeno shrugged his shoulders at her not knowing why he was acting like that too.

Both girls exchanged glances before looking back to the entrance of their room.

The day went cool not until Daerim got home from school. She and Haechan were supposed to be going home together but the boy left her.

She's still confused on why he was mad or something. The girl couldn't remember any happenings that made him turn out like this.

He was his usual self from morning to half of the afternoon. When she got back from her locker his face was already gloomy.

Daerim faked a cough and shook her head while untying her shoes.

"Why do I even care anyway?" She said to herself and got inside.

The house was suprisingly silent which made her thought that maybe he was sleeping in his room or maybe he wasn't home yet.

She headed to her room silently and decided to take a shower before preparing dinner.

The medicines she had to take were laid down on the table. She then tied her hair into a bun because it was getting on the way while she's plating.

A relief sigh came out from her mouth when she saw some dishes inside the refrigerator. It seems like Haechan's mom prepared it for them.

She carefully took out the tupperwares and started heating them.

After a few minutes, everything was already okay and they're ready to eat.

Daerim frowned and went to the boy's room. She knocked but no one answered and later on heard some weird noises inside.

The girl curiously twisted the doorknob and peeked secretly then there she saw Haechan wearing a headphone while busy playing with his phone with back turned against her.

Her brows met together and she could feel her blood boiling at the sight.

Without hesitation, she walked to his direction and snatched his headphone from his ear.

"The fu—"

"It's time to eat you moron!!"

She shouted before heading back slamming the door behind her leaving the boy alone.

Haechan then unconsciously smiled and found the girl cute when getting angry.

teenage | lee donghyuck [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now