『 15 』

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I can't believe that he liked my rap. I think I should show it more. I'll show it when I found an opportunity.

While we were hanging out earlier, he kept waiting for a message from Matthew.

Did Matthew leave him hanging or something?

Oh......I'm Matthew......

I quickly ran out of my studio when I realized that I'm Matthew.

I need to use a bike to go to where his locker is. I can run fast so I'll use that ability instead.

I ran to his locker which isn't the best idea cause I'm having trouble catching my breath.

Luckily, the janitor is still there, he opened Minhyuk's locker for me.

"Hey Matthew,

We can't talk much here so here's my number. Don't tell anyone about my number or I'll block you. 11-03-1993

Signed by,

It's the same number that he gave me before. I don't know why I was expecting him to give another number.

I can't possibly message him using my real number so I'll buy a new one instead or I could just go to my brother.

I went back to the building where we currently live. I pressed the button for their floor in the elevator.

I knocked on the door, hoping that Joohoney will be the one who answers it.

"Who is it?!" I heard my brother's voice from the other side.

"It's your brother."

"Oh....." I can hear his footsteps going closer to the door. "Sup brotha."

"Stop that. You don't greet me like that."

"Okay, fine. What do you want?"

"Well.......you know the- is Minhyuk here?"

"You don't see him anywhere, don't you?"


"Then, he's not here."

"You could've just told me."

"I wasn't in the mood for it. Now, what do you want?"

"Well, I need a new phone number."

"There's a store outside the campus. Buy one yourself."

"I know that you have tons of them. Just give me one."


"You know why...."


"How about you? Why do you have so many?"

"I know that you know why but I'm going to say it. I have many phone numbers, just in case my phone number got leaked to my admirers."

"Hm.....how about if you don't give me one of your phone numbers, I'm going to give everyone your phone number." I threatened.

"Th-Then, I'll leak yours as well." he tried to sound confident but for the first time, he wasn't.

"No one cares about my number."

"Okay, fine. You won this time." he sighed.

"This is the first time I won against you."

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