9. An Invitation to the Ball Moment

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When Headmistress McGonagall announced there was going to be a Valentine's Ball and she was expecting Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville to lead the first dance, Harry groaned and complained, 'why us?'

'Because, Mr Potter, we need to celebrate what you've all done for the Wizarding World. I suggest you consider the school's new theme of house unity when choosing your dance partner.'

Hermione wasn't a fool (she was the Cleverest Witch of her Age™) and her eyes narrowed and she looked at the headmistress suspiciously. Hermione knew the staff were up to something.

McGonagall didn't see, she was too busy giving Harry a hard stare.

Hermione quickly deduced that the headmistress was trying to pair Harry up with someone in particular. And as Hermione definitely wasn't a fool (and after the Enchanted Mistletoe and the Amortentia class), she deduced it was Draco Malfoy.

Hermione didn't approve.

Not because she was homophobic. No. She believed falling in love with the person was what mattered, no matter their sex or gender identity.

Nor did she disapprove because it was Draco; she rather saw the logic that if Harry truly fell in love then it would be with him (two sides of the same coin and whatnot).

No, the issues for Hermione were twofold: first, Harry needed to be comfortable with his sexual orientation; second, even if they were two rather oblivious idiots, it needed to happen on their terms to be real.

She might just have already taken preventative action during Slughorn's class as soon as she realised what was happening: he was incredibly obvious. She might just have surreptitiously dropped Baozhu powder into Seamus's cauldron. Though, being a very Sensible and Clever Witch, she threw up a discreet Shield Charm as soon as Neville added the pearl dust. She didn't quite expect the cauldron to blow a hole in the 4" bench top; still, the burns on Seamus's legs had healed quickly. Nor did she expect Slughorn to ingest the Amortentia because he was practically washing his face in Draco's cauldron. But it all worked out in the end.

Hermione decided to take matters into hand again and called a year meeting.

They gathered in the Common Room. Waiting. They were waiting for Harry and Draco who seemed inseparable since Draco had come back from France after Christmas, and when they eventually stumbled in, laughing about God-knows-what, Hermione cleared her throat in a very Umbridge kind-of-way.

They fell silent, both looked her, then each other, and burst out laughing again. Who knew they could even be like that together? They threw themselves down onto a floor cushion, pushing each other playfully until Draco two kittens came charging over and settled themselves on their laps.

She placed the Sorting Hat in the middle of the circle and several eyes widened. 'I've been to see the Headmistress about the forthcoming Ball. First, I don't think it's right that anyone should be singled out for the first dance so I've negotiated that the whole of our year will do it...'

There was a collective groan.

'...because,' she wavered slightly, 'we were all there... Second, seeing as there are sixteen of us and McGonagall is trying to promote house unity, I think no one should dance with someone from the same house and we should have mixed-gender couples too...'

'Can I go with Seamus?' asked Dean. 'We didn't dare last time.'

'You're both Gryffindors...' Parvati pointed out.

'Technically not,' drawled Draco, 'we're not affiliated to houses.'

'Yes, but everyone knows...'

'Actually,' said Susan. 'I think we should let Dean and Seamus dance together, otherwise it suggests we don't support their relationship.'

'I agree,' said Blaise.

The volume was gradually rising and Hermione clapped her hands to silence them, like they were children, but at least they quietened.

'Look, I'm just saying the first dance should be mixed up.'

'That's easy then,' said Harry. 'I should definitely take Malfoy to the ball, that will send a big message about forgiveness and house unity.' He smirked evilly at Draco, who thumped his arm half-heartedly. There was a sparkle in Draco's eyes.

Several people rolled their eyes.

Neville said, 'Harry's right, what stronger message can be sent out? Everyone knows you two used to wind each other up...'

'Blimey! Understatement of the year, Nev...' laughed Ron.

'Yes, but you know what I mean...'

Hermione felt like she'd lost control. This was precisely what she was trying to prevent. 'But I got the Sorting Hat from McGonagall,' she whinged. 'She said it'd be the most neutral way to sort out our partners.'

They glanced warily at the Hat.

'So, the rest of us use it,' said Terry.

'But it should be fair...'

'I don't mind,' said Ernie.

There was an affirmation of 'me neithers'.

'What about you, Nev? Are you alright putting the Hat on again?' asked Harry, sympathetically.

Hermione had to admit Neville looked a little pale and he'd definitely been avoiding looking at the Sorting Hat.

'He doesn't need to,' said Hannah, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. 'Nev'll be last, the last two people will obviously be together.'

Hermione sighed and picked up the Hat. 'PANSY PARKINSON!' it shouted immediately. She smiled. Despite the whole 'Potter's there! Someone grab him!' debacle, Hermione had seen Pansy and Blaise labouring to help Madame Pomfrey with the injured after the battle. And Hermione had decided, early in year eight, to reach out to Pansy and they'd become surprising friends.

The rest of the year were paired: Susan with Terry, Parvati with Ernie, Fay with Blaise. Hermione smiled about the Hat deciding Ron should dance with Padma again. Happily, Neville was with Hannah.

So, it hadn't quite gone as Hermione had planned, but at least Harry and Draco were not being put under pressure, even if Harry'd invited Draco to the Ball rather than just to dance. Of course, there was still the issue that Harry couldn't dance.


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