31. The Waning Moon

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(998 words)

Harry struggled to open his eyes but everything felt heavy, he wanted to sink back into the deep sleep he was being drawn from.

'Potter... Potter...' Malfoy was calling him, then slapping his cheek, enough to sting.

He was conscious of the cold hard ground and a cool breeze on his face, of branches swaying in the wind above him. Of darkness.

'What happened?' he mumbled.

'You were hit by Renton's hex. Knocked you out. It's taken a while to find you. This wood has a habit of turning everything around.'

'Where's everyone?'

'Heading back. I said I'd find you.'

Harry groaned, his head hurt. It felt like he'd been hit with a brick. 'Bastard...'

Pale clouds flitted across the black sky overhead, barely visible through the thick tree canopy. Occasionally the light from the waning moon broke through in dappled silver streaks before vanishing again.

'You alright?'

He realised groggily that Malfoy was actually looking at him, his grey eyes filled with concern. Harry sighed in relief. He'd had a strange few weeks of Malfoy avoiding him and rarely being in the same room. He didn't know what he'd done. 'You've come back,' he muttered.

'Yes, I just said...'

'I mean, you're making eye-contact again.'

Malfoy flushed and looked vaguely embarrassed. 'I think you might be concussed, Potter. Come on, let's get you up and back.'

'What time is it?' Harry grumbled.

'Nearly 2am...'


Harry immediately felt dizzy as he stood, stumbling against Malfoy. They waited a while, for Harry to right himself.

'I don't think I should Apparate.'

'I wasn't going to let you. You ready?'

'Just hold on a moment.' As Harry tried to focus his senses, his skin prickled. 'Too quiet,' he murmured.'


'Shhh!' He swayed slightly as he slowly regained a feeling of normality. He was immensely grateful that Malfoy was supporting him.

A howl echoed eerily around them. A harrowing, haunting and manifestly expressive howl.

Followed by a piercing scream...

Harry went cold, all fuzziness fell away into overt sharpness. 'But it's not a full moon?' he hissed.

'Someone's in trouble.'

'I got that, thanks.'

'Potter!' Malfoy's voice held an edge of warning. 'Don't be a fucking hero. Not this...'

'Get the others, Malfoy. Now. I'll monitor. I won't engage.'

'What if you don't have a choice?' but Malfoy Apparated away, leaving Harry alone. Okay, so maybe that wasn't such a good idea to be out here alone but he couldn't leave, not after hearing that scream. Casting a Muffliato on his feet, he crept forward, marking his trail with magical blazes on the trees.

The silence was unnerving.

When he heard a twig crack underfoot behind him, his heart hit the roof of his mouth. It was too close. He really hoped Malfoy would return very, very soon.

He turned slowly.

'Drop the wand, Potter,' a familiar voice snarled.


'What a surprising bonus to an enjoyable evening of hunting,' he leered. 'Drop the wand...'

'What wand?' Harry held up his hands as if in submission. His hands were empty. He was grateful that Ron had taught him that useful trick of vanishing wands up sleeves.

'Sensible boy...' Fenrir scorned.

Harry knew he just needed to keep Fenrir talking, keep him distracted, keep him from doing anything to the young girl he gripped painfully tightly. She'd stopped struggling against Fenrir's hold and looked at Harry fearfully; the white of her nightdress and her blond hair made her look like an apparition against Fenrir's dark mangy coat and the shadows of the woods. 'What's your name, love?' Harry said softly, looking her straight in the eye.

'Oi! No talking to my food,' Fenrir snarled, tugging her away protectively.

'RUBY!' the girl shouted defiantly.

'Aren't you the brave one, Ruby...'

'Good,' Harry coaxed. 'And how old are you, Ruby?'

'Eight and three-quarters.'

'Quite grown up. Do you believe in magic, Ruby?' Harry asked softly.

'Yes, gran's a witch and you're Harry Potter.'

'I am! Where's your granny, Ruby?'

Fenrir grinned horribly, 'safely tucked up in bed, if you're hoping help will come, Potter.'

Harry sighed at the interruption. 'Fenrir, what're you doing out and about? You were captured.'

Fenrir laughed sardonically. 'The Ministry are fools, they never remember that I can do wandless Memory Charms.'

Ah, Harry thought, he likes to boost. 'Tell me about it, what did you do?' He barely listened, he had already caught a glimpse of Malfoy's white-blond hair behind Fenrir, Booth too, and Renton and Rickshaw.

'What are you smirking at, Potter?'

'Did you know one of the first things Aurors learn is silent Apparation? It's so clumsy to be noisy as they arrive en masse in full stealth mode.' Harry's wand was back in his hand. Rickshaw's and Booth's wands were digging into Fenrir's neck before he had a chance to even glance around.

Ruby kicked Fenrir sharply in the shins, wriggled out of his grip, and ran to Harry, hugging his legs firmly. She stuck her tongue out at Fenrir for good measure.

'Did you also know,' Malfoy snarled. 'That silver dog-collars stop werewolves from uttering non-verbal magic?'

Fenrir howled as he was enslaved, clawing to get the collar off his neck. Renton and Ricksaw Apparated him away to the Ministry.

Booth nodded at Harry and Malfoy. 'Well done,' he said. 'Well done indeed. Well played, Potter. I'll go ahead and wake the grandmother?'

'Ruby?' Harry said, looking at her. 'Shall we get you home?'

'Will you take me?'

'Of course.'

They carefully escorted Ruby back to a picturesque cottage on the edge of the nearby village.

'My brother's going to be pig-jealous,' she muttered happily.

After Ruby was firmly secured back in her grandmother's arms and the front door closed behind them, Malfoy turned to Harry and, catching him by surprise, hugged him fiercely. 'You brave, foolish, wonderful man. Don't ever do that again. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you.'

Booth smiled at them. 'Come on, boys, back to base. We need to de-brief.'


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