20. Housemates

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(991 words)

Draco Floo-ed to Grimmauld Place unannounced. They'd been sent the equipment list for Auror training, including formal Auror robes. Draco had been to Madame Malkin's to collect his and offered to get Potter's too, giving him an excuse to call in.

Ron was sitting on the sofa, reading a Quidditch Magazine.

'Is Potter about?'

Ron didn't look up, 'in the kneazlery...'

When Ron and Hermione got back from Australia, Hermione had asked Potter if she could rent a room at Grimmauld Place. She didn't want to go back to her parents' empty house and she and Ron weren't ready to get a place together. Draco laughed at that because Ron as good as moved into Grimmauld Place too (he did spend one or two nights a week at his parents' home but it appeared he couldn't stand being separated from Hermione, and probably Potter too).

Peanut also rented a room. She wanted somewhere to stay in London and, as Blaise was nearby in Healers' Halls, the offer of a room at Grimmauld Place was the perfect solution. Of course, it meant Blaise was often at the house.

Then Neville asked if he could rent a room. As much as he loved his Gran, he needed his own space. And that meant Hannah visited a lot. The two of them spent their spare time in Potter's garden, doing things with plants and generally sorting the overgrown jungle.

Draco rolled his eyes. It was like being back in eighth year sometimes. Though Draco didn't really mind because now he didn't need a formal excuse to call in on his friend, which was convenient considering they were rarely apart. It meant he could just turn up, like everyone else. And although Potter came over to Draco's flat, somehow Grimmauld Place felt homelier and a more natural place to be. Especially now the erumpent umbrella stand, the row of elves heads, and Walburga Black's portrait had gone. Perhaps the homeliness was reinforced by Pickle and Princess too. Even they were always turning up at Grimmauld Place. Draco wondered if they'd learnt how to use the Floo system because his flat was the other side of London.

The thing was, he thought with a slight pang in his heart, he didn't often get Potter to himself these days; there was always other people around.

He knocked on the door of 'The Kneazlery' before pushing it open. It wasn't 'The Kneazlery' anymore, it's just the name had stuck. It was now Potter's study-library, though he noticed, with slight distaste that Princess was sprawled across Potter's desk like a tart on her back. Potter worked around her.

'What are you doing?' Draco asked, perching on the edge of the desk and tickling Princess, who purred happily.

'Just looking at Mione's rotas,' Potter grimaced. 'She's trying to organise us as only Mione does. Honestly, this is why I didn't stay at The Burrow.'

'But the house needs looking after.'

'And apparently a quick Scourify doesn't suffice.'

'Why don't you replace Kreacher, or ask him to come back?'

Potter gave a short laugh, 'did you ever hear Mione lecture on S.P.E.W.? Remind me never to let you ask her... and Kreacher can't actually cook, that's why he just bosses the other elves around in the kitchens at Hogwarts.'


'How's your flat?' Potter asked. 'Or more specifically, how's your new neighbour?' Potter raised an eyebrow.

'Merlin, don't. It's a fucking nightmare. I'm sure the man's stalking me. As soon as I step foot in the corridor he's opening his door.'

'Do you want me to come over and pretend to be your overprotective boyfriend?' Potter smiled.

'We should, just for the laugh.'

Harry smiled, 'worth it, just to see the little prick's face.'

Draco thought one of the best thing about being friends with Potter was that he didn't care that Draco was gay and he wasn't threatened by it. Draco could be himself with Potter without worrying about an adverse reaction. He'd only ever told a few people when at school and he hadn't made any attempt to change that situation. He suspected Ron and Hermione knew now but he'd never asked if Potter'd told them. Probably not, knowing what he did of Potter. In the fifth year, when he'd finally accepted his sexuality, Draco had told Blaise, Pansy, and Vince. He hadn't bothered to tell Greg who was openly homophobic but they no longer spoke anyway. He didn't even know where Greg was these days. He hadn't told anyone else but it wasn't their business. At the time, Blaise had taken mischievous joy in Draco's sexuality, and they had experimented together for a while. Pansy was devasted when she found out, but purely for selfish reasons. She had wanted to be the bearer of Malfoy babies, but she moved on. Vince was disgusted.

'Are you okay, Malfoy?' Potter said. 'You seem a bit distracted.'

'Yeah. I told my mother about being gay.' He'd never been able to tell his father, it would have been impossible anyway. Lucius was intolerant of things that weren't to his favour and a gay son meant no heirs. 'She took it surprisingly well. But we didn't talk much beyond the initial, "mother, I have something to tell you..." conversation.'

'Come on,' Potter said.

'What, where?'

'Let's go out for some food.'

'What? Just the two of us.'

'Sure. I need to escape the rabble and we can talk over some nice food and a bottle of wine. Is it a celebration or a commiseration?'

'At the moment, I'm not sure, but it would be nice to go out.'

That was the wonderful thing about Potter being his friend. His bestfriend, Draco thought with a bit of a jolt. There was always so much to talk about and it seemed unending. Potter was interested in him and his feelings. In turn, he was equally fascinated by Potter and who he was. Draco liked that.


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