35. Shooting Star

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A/N A continuation on from 34. Scared Potter

(1000 words)

'Have you ever been skinny dipping?' Potter asked.

Draco looked up at the darkening sky and silently groaned, trust Potter bring his urges coursing to the surface again.

He'd managed, just about, throughout their holiday to keep his emotions in check. Admittedly, he'd taken advantage of the opportunities to apply suncream as often as possible to Potter's back, and maybe he'd allowed his fingers to linger over his skin but, in general, he gritted his teeth and pretended he didn't have feelings for his bestfriend.

There'd been that moment in the club; a mistake really, well, more of a diversion. The other man had been rather attractive and it flattered Draco that he'd been approached, and he'd wondered briefly if it would help take his mind off Potter. But then he'd seen Potter's face and, for some reason, Potter looked disappointed and upset and by the time Draco'd shaken the man's attentions, Potter had left and Draco felt his stomach sink.

He wasn't really very sure what had happened but they'd scrapped it back and Draco had continued to cover his true feelings.

And then Potter goes and asks a question like that...

'It's on my bucket list,' Potter said.

He'd hired a scooter and dragged Draco off to Cala Comte to watch the sunset. They'd lounged against the sand dune that edged the beach watching as the sun transformed the sky into a fiery blaze of oranges and reds. It was breath-taking.

Then they'd walked along the coast as the sky faded into darkness until they found a concrete quayside and were sitting side by side, dangling their feet into the darkening turquoise warm water that was sandy far below them.

'Come on!' Potter said, standing up suddenly. He was peeling his t-shirt off.

'Potter! We haven't got towels...'

'And? Are we wizards or not?' he unbuttoned his flies and kicked off his shorts.

'But... there are people...'

'Not many and I don't care.'

Draco gulped as Potter pulled off his boxers.

'Potter!' but he wasn't listening and Draco watched as he dived off the quayside and into the deep water, his fabulously pale arse clear against his suntanned olive skin.

'Malfoy! Come on, it's glorious.' Potter shook out his wild hair, his green eyes sparkling like the stars far above.

Draco watched him treading water, keeping his eyes firmly on Potter's face. He sighed and stood up to strip off, conscious that he really needed to imagine something like Severus in a pair of Speedos rather than Potter bollock-naked in the water and inviting Draco to join him. As he removed his shorts, he covered himself modestly with his hands and leapt into the water.

He kicked up and broke the surface laughing, his wet hair plastered to his face. Potter was right, it was glorious. It was a freedom he'd never felt before as the warm Mediterranean water swirled freely around him. Potter was already climbing back out onto the quay and then leaping back into the water with carefree abandon. Draco turned away bashfully but a bit of him wanted that too.

'You do it too,' he yelled across the water. 'Stop being a prude!'

So, he too climbed out and copied Potter. And he couldn't stop laughing, he thought it was probably the best feeling in the world, especially when they jumped in side-by-side and splashed wildly as they hit the water. He swam a little away and floated on his back looking up at the stars. The buoyancy of the salt water making him drift with ease. He decided he didn't care about the occasional person walking past and vaguely able to see his utter nakedness.

When Potter dunked him, he spluttered and grabbed Potter's waist and pulled him down with him. They grappled playfully, trying to submerge each other. The remnants of Aftersun lotion meant their skin was slippy and Draco found himself halfway between heaven and the horror that he was becoming incredibly aroused. It was too erotic, the feeling of Potter's skin sliding under his hands, he wanted to drag him closer, he wanted to pull his face close to his, to kiss him forcefully. For a moment, they stopped, catching their breath, treading water softly, looking at each other but Draco could see laughter in Potter's eyes, the enjoyment of the moment, and he knew, with a sinking heart, that his feelings weren't reciprocated. He pulled apart, swimming away from Potter to try and calm his thundering heart and drown away the disappointment.

Afterwards, once Potter had cast wandless drying spells, they sat on the beach again, looking out across the sea into the darkness. Draco lay back, looking at the stars overhead.

'Have you enjoyed this, Malfoy?'


'This holiday. Sometimes I feel like you're struggling with something, like you want to say something but don't dare...'

Draco took a deep breath. Potter was right, he didn't dare. Instead, he said, 'I have enjoyed it. It's been a totally new experience for me.'

'Good,' Potter said, lying down next to him. 'But you would tell me, wouldn't you, if something was wrong?'

'Sure,' Draco answered non-committedly, for how could he tell Potter he wanted to kiss him, that less than half-an-hour ago he'd held his naked bestfriend and had looked into his eyes and had to stop himself from leaning forward... He took another deep breath, it was like he couldn't grasp enough air to fill his lungs. It was so hopeless, he felt overwhelmed.

'Malfoy? What is it?'

'Look,' he said with a broken voice, pointing upwards, tracking a star as it shot across the sky.

'Wow!' whispered Potter. 'I've never seen one before. Did you wish?'

'Don't be fucking daft, Potter.'

But he had. He'd wished that Potter returned his feelings and that he'd be able to tell him one day soon.

'Come on,' Draco said. 'The others are expecting us at the bar.'

'I prefer it here with you,' Potter answered quietly.

Me too, Potter, me too...



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