51- The Bellaire House

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** Hello!! Surprise! I'm backkk after an excessively long hiatus loll, it's only a fitting way to say farewell to my favorite ghost hunters!! My goal is to eventually write up every episode of supernatural as a chapter here, I'm not sure how long that will take and I absolutely can't promise that updates will be regular (I am in college unfortunately) but I'm excited to get through the series together as a love letter to BFU, I'm so sad to see it end but so thankful that I got to experience every second. Also so thankfully to have people reading this :) enjoy!!

The next morning I wake up feeling the same as I did the evening before. I'm pretty disappointed because I was hoping a little bit of sleep would help me feel better. I notice that Ryan isn't around anymore and Shane is sitting in the bed on the otherside of the room on his laptop. I sit up groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh you're up!" Shane says, looking away from his computer. "How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, still out of it, Shane laughs,

"They went to get breakfast. I figured I'd stay here and let you sleep in," He explains. I nod,

"I'm feeling..." i start, "I'm feeling like shit," i laugh and Shane frowns.

"Still?" Shane asks and I nod, he climbs out of bed and comes to sit next to me, feeling my forehead.

"You're not as warm as you were last night," he says, "so that's good."

"I can't imagine getting on a plane right now though," i say, "i feel like I'm about to either throw up or pass out."

"Yeah I was just over there cancelling our flight," Shane says, nodding over to his laptop. I raise my eyebrows, a bit surprised.

"What? We're shooting Bellaire tonight!" I say and Shane laughs,

"Uh no we're not, not when you're feeling the way you are.  We're gonna drive to Ohio tonight instead of flying, and then we're gonna shoot Bellaire tomorrow if you're feeling better," He says. I groan, feeling personally pissed off at my own immune system for wreaking havoc on our schedule.

"Sorry," i say, Shane shakes it off,

"The drive to Ohio is only like an hour or two longer than the flight, we cancelled the rental car in Ohio and we're just gonna extend the one we've already got. If anything this will be easier because we don't have to repack all our luggage and gear for a flight," Shane says, trying to make me feel better. I nod.

Shane puts his arm around me and rubs my shoulder,

"Remember when i got so sick right before we were supposed to shoot season 3?" he asks, I nod.

"And you came over to my apartment and made me dinner and brought icecream?" he continues, I nod against his shoulder again.

"Well now I'm just repaying the favor Soph, don't feel bad. Everyone gets sick sometimes," He kisses the top of my head and I smile, thinking back to that night Shane was sick. We weren't even dating at that point... it feels crazy to think about it. 

A little while later Ryan, TJ and Devon come back with food. Shane and I are laying in bed, I'm watching TV and Shane is figuring out the rental car situation.

"Hey guys!" Devon says, holding up bags of food, "gotcha breakfast!" she smiles.

"We just got waffles for both of you," ryan says, passing me a warm to-go box and then another to Shane.

"Thank you," I say, even though I'm not feeling particularly hungry.

"How are you feeling?" Ryan asks, opening his own to-go container and sitting down in one of the desk chairs to eat it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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