the one with the simp

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before we start this Rollercoaster let's clarify some things...

1. Jungkook and y/n were NOT trying to get pregnant, they were knowingly and actively avoiding it by using protection and the pill. This means they had both unconsciously decided that they weren't ready for a child so they both used their own methods of protection.

2. The only reason y/n is pregnant is chance. She was the 1% of people that the pill didn't work for. It worked all but once while they were going at it. In other ffs the girls on the pill always have it work for them. This is different. WP needs some variety on sexual education, reactions and imperfection among people (IDOLS ESPECIALLY), just to name a few.

3. Jungkook is immature and selfish in this instance. Jungkook made a wrong move, and of course nobody is perfect. He has the rights to be angry at his gf and hyungs, but he does not have the right to lash out on a pregnant woman, his gf OR his hyungs. Its literally assault c'mon guys! He should seperate his emotions from his logical thinking. He is being selfish by lashing out by yelling at/reaching for his girlfriend who is clearly scared and vulnerable. He just so happened to do it while Namjoon and boys were around, making it worse for himself because he is seen as a threat to peoples safety. If y/n had told Jungkook she was pregnant and wasn't confident in having it in a different setting/ private place such as her apartment, the gym etc, how would the scene have played out differently? He would have lashed out and she would have nobody their to help her. Say Jungkook grabbed someone, full stop. He is ripped, he can lift a larger man than him easily as he has shown. The guys could atleast hold their own a bit against Jungkook because of their builds and statures. A woman, who is inherently weaker based on body construction alone, has no chance, especially if he is only seeing red and she is scared out of her witts.

4. Joon has every right to get involved. He isn't just doing it for his sister, but Jungkook, himself and Bangtan as a whole some may even say for the company and fans too. If Jungkook and y/n have a disagreement, joon has to pick a side, that side can make or break bangtan, so he is entirely under pressure. Namjoon ALWAYS thinks about the group and others, that's why he is the best leader in the world. Why else would we all say Namjoon for President?

5. Some of you are letting your love and dare I say OBSESSION for Jungkook as Jungkook, cloud your opinions. If a grown, muscular man, or any person infact, tried to put hands on you PREGNANT OR NOT, he does not have the right to. Especially if he is acting out in anger, rage or any other aggressive or in a possibly harmful manner, again, that's considered assault.

6. Bangtan is a unit, if two members are fighting, the UNIT must stop it to reaffirm themselves as a unit. If they get into an argument and can't sort it out then the team must get involved for them to see reason. Bangtan also raised each other, especially when it comes to the youngest. Say you have a pet dog, you trained that dog, fed that dog, did everything to help it grow from a puppy to a dog. Then you're out on a walk one day and that dog you raised bites another dog, a dog of a smaller breed, maybe an injured dog etc, any dog for that matter, how do you feel about that dog now? You raised it and it lashed out, do you not feel responsible for that dog? A dog is only as good as its master. Would you not have felt as tho you had failed to raise it to be better?

7. Opinions. Opinions matter. Opinions can be voiced. Opinions can spark discussions. I will not tolerate them to become arguments and bullying in a work of FICTION. This is literally all just from my own head, like y'all don't need to get heated, that's my job.

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