Another Lesson: Never Let Your Parents See When You Clean

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*Tsunami, Tide, Turtle, and Anemone are in the Deep Palace cleaning Anemone's room. They all have to speak aquatic.

Anemone: That's all!

Tsunami: Since when do you clean?

Anemone: Since Ostrich told me that having a messy clawmate was annoying.

Tsunami: At least someone got you to be a bit more tidy.

Tide: And at least Turtle's having fun.

Turtle: *throws a bag out the door* TENTH SACK OF GARBAGE IN THE LAST FIFTEEN MINUTES OUT!!!

Tsunami: Why is he so hyper?

Tide: He drank a full cup of coffee, and somehow got ahold of fifteen more. I think someone may have forced him to drink it though because he said he didn't want any more.

Tsunami: Rainbow sea monkey turtlejou?

Anemone: Huh?

Tide: I think more aquatic lessons are in order...

*Queen Coral comes in*

Coral: Whoa! That's a lot of trash, honey.

Anemone: Yeah! It feels so good to have a neat room for once!

Coral: *looks around*

Coral: Oh! Are you really going to throw that yoga rug away?

Anemone: I don't even do yoga!

Coral: Maybe I'll use it then.

Coral: Oohh! And this!

Coral: And this!

*Queen Coral ends up grabbing the yoga mat, a tea set, and a flute*

Coral: Have fun! *Leaves*

Tsunami: How often does Mom do yoga?

Tide: Or drinks tea?

Tsunami: Or plays the flute?

Anemone: I've never seen her do any of that...

P.S. this can be a real lesson. If you throw stuff out don't let anyone see if you think they're going to take it! Unless they can actually use it.

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