Calling An Uber

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Rainbow Dash's Point of View-

"You think maybe we should call the police?" I sat up from the couch as I looked at AJ.

She had come over this afternoon because I started freaking out again... I mean, I had a right to freak out, didn't I? She left without saying a word to anyone, she won't answer her phone... What if she's in trouble? What if she's hurt?

"Rainbow Dash, for the last time we are not calling the cops! I'm sure she's fine, she could be busy with family or on a trip or somethin." She sat next to me and started rubbing my back. "She's goin come back sugar cube." I sighed as I started picking at my finger nails.

"But what if she doesn't?" I looked up at her.

"She will." AJ smiled at me and hugged me. I thankfully hugged her back. We pulled back after hearing her phone ring. Seriously, I will never understand why she has a chicken as her ring tone.

"Hold on a second." She answered the phone and stepped into my kitchen. I started looking out the window as I thought about her.


Where are you?

"That was Rarity, I totally forgot we had a date today." She blushed as she rubbed the back of her neck. "You gonna be okay?" I stood in front of her as she stood by the front door. 

"Oh yeah, don't worry about me. Have fun on your date AJ... And, thanks. For everything." She gave me a warm smile as we said our goodbyes and she left.

I sighed as I closed the door and looked around my quiet house.

"I need to get out of here." I went up to my room and grabbed my phone and my shoes before racing downstairs. I slid my phone in my pocket as I grabbed my keys. I locked the door as I shut it and walked to my car.

As I reached for the handle, I hesitated. I took a deep breath as my heart raced before stepping away.

I grabbed my phone and opened my Uber app, calling an Uber to my house. Within minutes, an Uber pulled up to the side walk.

"Hey." I said as I got into the back seat. 

"Hello m'am. Where too?" He said as he looked in the rear view mirror at me.

"Um..." I thought for a second. "Can you take me to the mall?"

"Indeed I can." He put the car into gear and started driving down the road.

I stared out the window as we passed some houses. I felt embarrassed that I still wasn't comfortable with driving. But I just... I'm afraid. I don't want to get into another accident.

"So, how has your day been?" The driver asked me.

"It's been alright. How about yourself?" I said looking towards the front seat.

"Pretty good, thanks for asking." I slowly nodded at the awkward tension.

"You know, I knew somebody that looked just like you." I looked at him and shifted in my seat.

"Oh really?" He turned a corner and continued driving.

"Yep, she was a really good ballerina. She had rainbow hair, just like yours. Oh goodness, it's been so many years... I can't remember her name. But her stage was something like, "Shining Spectrum." I think... I'm not sure. I just know how much my daughter used to rant about about how wonderful she was. Any way, it's a real shame she doesn't preform anymore. She was amazing." I slowly nodded as I started losing interest. 

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I looked out the window trying to block out what he was saying.

"Apparently her husband tried to murder her or something. Some people say they saw a child running out of the house that night too... I think they were lying though. She never showed any sign of being pregnant." My eyes widened at what he said.

Was I the child that ran out of the house?

I didn't have any more time to think about it because he pulled up to a curb by the mall.

"Thank you." I paid him as he nodded. I got out of the car and walked up to the mall.

As I walked in, I looked around. I saw all kinds of stores and people. I could smell the pretzels from the food court. I could hear occasional announcements and people talking. I could practically taste the pizza that somebody walked by with. I could feel my palms getting sweaty for some reason.

As I walked more into the mall and looked around at all the different stores. I felt so many emotions as I remembered times I spent here with my friends.

Especially the time we came here with Fluttershy... Wow. How could I ever forget that? She was so kind to be there for me...

"Excuse me?" I turned around to see a girl standing behind me.

"Yes?" I said as I turned around and looked at her. Her light blue hair that fell to her shoulders complimented her purple eyes.

"I am the great and powerful Trixie!" I raised my eye brow as I watched her. "But Trixie could possibly use some help..."

"Alright? With what?"

"Well, I need to buy a gift for my girlfriend but I have no idea what to get her! She doesn't really like jewelry and she already has so many clothes..." I smiled at her small tragedy.

"Well, what does she like to do?" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Um, I guess read? And maybe cook... She likes to make deserts and treats." I nodded along.

"Okay, what's the occasion?" I said looking to the side before looking at her again.

"Well, our one year anniversary is next week and I want to do something really special... But I just feel like anything is to small for her. She's so amazing." I smiled at how in love she was with this girl. It's sweet.

"Hm, what about a picnic some where romantic?" Her eyes lightened up at the sound of that.

"That's sounds wonderful!" She smiled brightly. "Thank you so much!" I was suddenly surpised with a big hug before I awkwardly patted her back. "Oh! How about I give you my number so I can send you pictures and let you know how it went?" I smiled as I pulled out my phone.

"That sounds like a great idea."

After we exchanged numbers we went our separate ways. It feels good to help others.

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