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Jessa relishes the memory of what Frosnak did when she was told what her son was doing to Josnick. He was not only granted an extension but given a line of credit that was equal to what Jessa and Dhiren invested into his caravan. 

Josnick declined to use the credit at this time, but thinks that he will in the future. Jessa is sure that he will do quite well without that slimy bastard that took off with the money before. Frosnak assured Josnick that she would put out the word about the missing partner and if it is possible he will be found.

Jessa has no doubts about it. When it comes to money a dragon can follow the trail tirelessly until the money is found and returned.

Jessa frowns, Frosnak had refused to discuss any of the prince's arrangements, including the one that involves her. All she said was to talk to Dhiren.

Ranging out ahead of the caravan Jessa is delighted to find sign of bandits. She trails them cautiously, it wouldn't do for them to find her before she gets her caravan safe.

Finding them she hears them talking about plans for attacking caravans that travel to and from Castlerock. It seems that there has been a call that's gone out, to have all the bandits converge at the pass and attack there. To abandon all the other locations and concentrate there.

Jessa frowns. She's never personally seen the other route, she hasn't had any reason to go that route. She'll have to talk to Nathan about it tonight. Now she has to deal with these bandits. They are far too close to Silva for her liking. Perhaps she no longer lives there, but it will always be home for her.

She has a great deal of fun as she works out her anger and pain against those that would take from others without earning it. She has lost more than one acquaintance already, from attacks. That just fuels her fury even more.

By the time she's done, she is coated in blood and there aren't any bandits living. She looks them over and is more than a little surprised to find them less unkempt than the normal run of bandits.

She is less than happy about this. That means other bandit groups from better locations are moving up this way. Jessa takes whatever she can to help her figure out things. She continues ranging around until the light starts to fail her and she needs to return back to the caravan.

"Nathan, Josnick, I need to talk to you both." Jessa calls out once she is in range of the lead animals.

The two move forward faster than they had been going. 

"Good heavens, what the hell happened to you Jessa?" Josnick says at seeing her state of being.

"Found a nest of bandits. We're good this time, but I heard them talking. There's been a call to have bandits from all over converge here. They are supposed to go to the longer route to attack and leave all other locations alone.

"Nathan, you've been a guard for a long time, is there any reason why the long route?" Jessa demands of her friend.

Nathan looks down and chews his bottom lip as he thinks it over. "Yeah, there's a natural location for an ambush in the longer route. The caravans are completely helpless should archers take up positions on either side of the draw."

At Jessa's look Nathan backs up. "There is one area that the route runs through. An old river bed. The sides are steep, rather sheer rock cliffs on either side. The road itself is fairly flat, but very rocky and slippery. There is little to no cover and if the attackers don't give a shit about the animals or supplies it's easy enough to rain down arrows. It would become a bloodbath without the other side having a chance. A complete massacre."

"It's happened before, that's why Castlerock is supposed to keep the bandits down. No matter how many seem to be killed lately, there are always reports of more and more taking their place. It really doesn't make much sense." Josnick tells Jessa in a sickly voice. Unless he's lucky enough to get Jessa to travel with him every time, he'll likely get to meet the bandits up close and personal.

"Shit." Jessa says. She can think of some counter measures, like having the guards carry shields, but if the attackers have spells on them like the assassins did, the arrows will ignore the armor and shields of the guards.

"Nathan, I don't like this. Please, don't take any jobs with out me." Jessa turns to her friend. She's absolutely sick at the thought of losing her only friend. She's not sure that she dares count Dhiren at this time.

"I wish I could make that promise, Jessa, but I don't have your resources. I can't afford to turn down work if they don't hire you."

"I'll pay you for your time."

"Jessa, I can't let you do that. I'll just have to take my chances."

"Josnick, you need to let the other master's know." Jessa says now more than ever terrified that her friend will be killed.

"I will do what I can, Jessa, but they don't always listen when they don't want to." Josnick says mournfully. If enough pressure is put to bare, then Castlerock will be forced to send out people to clear out the bandits. But just one master won't be enough.

Jessa gets a look in her eye. Her grandfather gave her the spell for sleepwalking like Dhiren wanted her to have, but it was still her discretion whether or not to bring the caravan's through Silva. 

Looks like she might be taking a trip on the long route.

Won't Dhiren love that?

Speaking of Dhiren. Jessa sighs, she needs to get a message to him, which means that she will need to get away from the camp.

"Nathan, get the camp set up. I have to contact Dhiren."

"How are you going to do that?" Nathan asks bewildered. They are in the middle of the wilderness.

Jessa smiles, "I have a little messenger that will take the message for me. I need to have privacy to send the message though. We'll need double guards tonight. I'll take the middle shift. I killed all the ones I found, but that doesn't mean there aren't others that I haven't yet."

Nathan nods and heads back to the caravan to get camp settled.

"Josnick, make sure that Nathan is the cook tonight. I made sure that he knows how to cook properly and I can't do it. I'll be back for dinner. If not, don't hold it up for me. We'll be in Silva or at the borders tomorrow."

"Very well, Jessa. Is every thing okay?" Josnick is worried about how Jessa is acting. It's not like how he's used to her being with him.

Jessa gives him a grim smile, "I don't know yet. We can hope so."

With that Jessa turns around and heads out into the shadows. It doesn't take her more than a half dozen before he loses sight of her. "Just how does she do that?" He mutters to himself before heading back to the caravan and the camp that's being set up for the night.

He has to admit. Jessa knows how to pick a good camp spot.

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