Chapter 20

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Cole, Wu and I watched as the ninja were dragged away by some hunters and thrown into the same cage they were delivered in on that big vehicle.

We had stood someplace nearby but a little too far to hear what the man with a top hat told them.

Until he turned around with a grin stretched across his face.

"We're hunting dragons!" He cried gleefully before walking away laughing and jumping up onto the vehicle. "To the hunt!"

"Quick." Cole said, picking Wu up and putting him onto one of the vehicles that the hunters had gotten ready before jumping up onto it himself.
I followed, jumping on the other side, no one paying me any mind as I held on before the machines rumbled out of the camp.


"I'm excited to see what tonight's catch will bring!" The top hat guy, now known as Iron Baron from hearing other hunters talk about him, cried as he walked away from where Kai, Zane and Jay were.

The sun was almost set as everyone milled about, some hunters preparing traps or gathering wood from the back of one of the vehicles.

From what I could see, those three had been tied to a tall tower with chains, which were glowing blue and causing the three to laugh, seeming that is activated their elemental powers.

"How are we supposed to rescue them way up there?" Wu asked, looking up at Cole.
"In short, we don't." Cole replied.
"Not until they're alone." I added, before seeing that man who was flung out of the arena walk over to us.

"Hmmmmm, why don't you join us Dangerbuff?" He asked, ushering us over to the campfire they had set up.

"Who's this Chew Toy?" A hunter called from the fire as we walked over.
"Some hunters from the Dangerbuff clan." Chew Toy replied. "Come on, sit sit."

I sat down next to a person with a black mohawk, who was idly chatting with someone next to them while Cole and Wu had sat next to the man who ushered us over.

"Aye, ye got a pretty one Dangerbuff." One of the hunters next to Cole said, nudging him in the ribs and looking over to me with a chuckle.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes, why didn't he say something about us being siblings, not married?

Cole laughed unsurely, an apologetic look in his eye as he looked over to me before seeming to notice someone sitting with us.

"Uh, that's some blade you have there. Crazy how it repelled those powers." Cole said to Heavy Metal, the hunter who had caught the ninja in the arena.
He didn't reply, seeming to be focusing on sharpening the blade with a stone.

"Oh yeah? Carved from Dragonbone. From a piece of the Firstbourne." Chew Toy said to Cole.
I felt myself stiffen as I heard that name and looked over to the blade, how did he manage to get  that from her?

"Firstbourne?" Wu asked in slight confusion.
"Hey, where you been, Dangerbuff? In the belly of Beetlenut?" A man with a contraption to replace his legs asked, causing the other hunters to laugh.

"Firstbourne is the mother of all Dragons. The most powerful in the realm. No one's ever seen it entirely, but it is said to possess every Element of her beloved spawn. The one prize that's always eluded Iron Baron." The person next to me explained.
"Tell 'em, Jet Jack." Another hunter said.

"She took Baron's leg, then his arm, then his pride." Jet Jack continued.
"But someone here got a piece of her, didn't you, Heavy Metal?" No legs said, looking over to said hunter.
He just grunted in reply, continuing to sharpen the blade.
"Iron Baron's been searching for her nest all his life. Said she protects there the Dragon Armour." Jet Jack mentioned.

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