Prologue/Chapter 1

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Hello ladies and germs! Welcome to my new Harry Potter story. Now, ON WITH THE SHOW! The points dont matter. WRONG SHOW!


The Potter family. A family that holds much happiness. If one were to look at the family, they would find an average family. A mother working in the kitchen. A father reading in his study. Two children, a boy and a girl playing the the den.

But if one was to peel away the layers of the house, one would find a dark corner in this light family. In the smallest bedroom of the house lies a child of five years. His name is Hadrian, or Harry for short. He is the eldest potter child, and yet, most of the world doesn't even know of his existence.

Sadly, his parents have been neglecting him for roughly 3 years now, ever since his little siblings "saved" the British wizarding world. The real story, is much different than what is told...

Time turner turned!

Three years ago...A dark, lone figure approached a small home in Godric's Hollow."James, can you go check up on the kids," Lily asked.

"Sur-" James started before the door exploded of its hinges. "Lily go! It's Voldemort! I'll hold him off! Reducto!" James yelled. Lily ran upstairs, ignoring the spellfire behind her.

"Ah James. Good to see you again. I hope I'm not interrupting?" Voldemort asked while dodging a spell James had thrown.

"Get the hell out of my home!" James yelled before casting another spell.

"I'm sorry James, but i have a meeting with your children, and i most certainly can't be late," Voldemort said before casting a spell that knocked James through the wall, essentially knocking him out. Upstairs lily had made a rudimentary barricade with some furniture and some hastily drawn runes.

"Expecto Patronum!" She yelled conjuring a small doe. "Go to Professor Dumbledore, tell him we've been attacked!" She told her patronus before it disappeared in a pop.

"What messy wards you have Lily, but i guess you only had so much time. Reducto." Voldemort said calmly, shredding through Lily's wards. "Move aside girl, you've been promised to another." Voldemort said, leveling his wand at the witch.

"No, i wont let you touch them!" Lily yelled, throwing a reducto at the wizard. Voldemort blocked before casting his own reducto, knocking Lily into the wall.

"Know, lets see the young children." Voldemort said, moving over to the cribs. "It seems all three of them will be powerful in the future. I'm sorry children, but, it's me before you." He said before raising his wand and firing three killing curses.

"Now, to collect the rest of the Potters." He started, not realizing the killing curses he cast had formed together. "Haha," Voldemort heard before spinning around to see a large green spell shooting at him. The over powered Killing curse shot straight through the Dark lords body, destroying his body in an explosion that destroyed that part of the roof.

A dark mist was all that was left. It studied the three children before floating through the roof. Ten minutes later Dumbledore rushed into the room. "LILY!" He shouted upon seeing her body on the ground. He rushed over and exhaled in relief to see that she was just unconscious. "Enervate." He said reviving her.

"Uh what hap- HARRY! ROSE! DAMIEN!" Lily yelled as she woke up.

"They are fine. It seems that Voldemort was destroyed, i can only sense a small amount of his energy." He said as he made his way over to the triplets. Upon examination he found a cut on both Damien and Rose, while Harry was fine.

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