Chapter 10

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Hello Ladies and Germs! This fic is really liked, and I feel that I must say thanks. And because I am a writer, check out my other stories, the good, the bad, and the ugly ones! Now, I got a review that was really helpful, it asked about how Ambrose went to Hogwarts, as in cannon it was made in 990 ad, and how the Thornwood family owns stocks in the daily prophet. I will try to explain these in the story. I also changed tte size of the Thornwood grounds to 100 acres. Now, ON WITH THE SHOW! Oxytocin is best released in a quiet, dimly lit, nurturing environment, where there are no loud noises, or sharp sounds. And your going, eeeeh, it's not a fucking badger. WRONG SHOW! But insanely hilarious.

Last time...

I'm Daphne Greengrass. You are?" Daphne asked. Harry made a top hat appear out of thin air.

"Hadrian Thornwood, at your service."

"Where did that top hat come from?" Daphne asked.

"Magic." He said as he twirled his hand and the top hat disappeared.

"How did? Did you?" Daphne said in shock.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Greengrass." Harry said as he entered the doorway.

"Thornwood, that name is familiar to me. Have we met?" Daphne asked.

"No, but I have stock in your families plantations." Harry said cracking a smile. Daphne gasped at Harry's teeth. "What's wrong?" Harry asked before realizing he was smiling. "Oh, my teeth. I've been told they are one of my defining features." Harry said.

"They certainly make you stand out." Daphne said.

"But you don't have any other features that form a vampire, so what are you?" She asked, pulling out her wand.

"Calm down. I have vampire ancestry, but that was a few thousand years ago." Harry said not swaying from the door frame. Daphne put her wand away at this.

"Good to know." Daphne motioned for Harry to sit down.

"So who was that creep?" Harry asked, sitting down.

"Malfoy." Daphne said with venom. "He's been trying to court me for a while, trying to get his hands on my families business and money. Even though he has enough money." Daphne ranted.

"Sounds like a real arse." Harry said.

"Yeah, he thinks he owns the world, because his father is friends with the minister, and he has a seat on the board of governors." Daphne said.

"Well, not to be rude, but I honestly don't care what his father has." Harry said.

"You better be careful at least. I can't have my hero be expelled on me." Daphne said with a smirk.

"Well, my lady, I will try to stay in school. Besides, it would help me in the future to stay in school." Harry said.

"So you expect to be in Slytherin then?" Daphne asked.

"Well, my Grandfather says that our family is ambitious with an unhealthy addiction to the unknown." Harry explained.

"You said you're name is Thornwood?" Daphne asked.

"Yes." Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

"I remember my father talking about a letter from the Ministry that talked about your family. Why is that?" Daphne asked.

"Your father's a lord right?" Harry asked.

"Yes, the Greengrass family is a Most Ancient and Noble family." Daphne said.

"Of course, my memory on that subject is a bit foggy is all. You see my family has become active once again, and the Wizengamot members must have been notified that we are back." Harry explained.

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