Chapter 16

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Hello Ladies and Germs! I fixed up the spelling in the last chapter to a degree. I wish to appologize for that. I mainly use the FanFiction app, and theres no spell check that i have found. I also have no Beta reader. So, I will try to be better in the future. Now, ON WITH THE SHOW! The Great Pumpkin! WRONG SHOW!

"Something is off about Quirrell." Harry stated. The Quartet had just finished their Defense against the dark arts class, and were heading to lunch, since it was their last class of the week. Today had many names around the world, Samhain, All hallows eve, Dia de los muerto, and more commonly known, Halloween. Harry could feel something off in the air.

"I heard he ran afoul of a vampire clan on his sabbatical." Blaise mentioned. "I've also heard he was the Muggle studies teacher before hand." He added.

"What do you think's up with him?" Tracey asked.

"I'm not sure. There's a multitude of issue's I have found. First, his stutter. There's a few spells and potions that fix stutters, as they can cause spells to work improperly. It sounds forced, like he's over exaggerating it." Harry said.

"I thought so as well." Daphne said.

"Another thing is how often he stares at me and my ex family." Harry said. "He stares more at the Potter's, but every so often there's a lingering look at me." Harry said.

"I never noticed him looking at you that weirdly." Tracey said.

"I believe he might be trying to probe my mind, but is too weak to do so." Harry replied. Everyone looked at him suprised. "If he was infact attacked by vampires to the degree that he shows, which is doubtful, then his mental capacity is deteriorating." Harry explained, getting more looks. He sighed.

"Oh, owl's are here." Blaise said. There was a large flock of owls flying in from an open window near the ceiling. Harry went back to his food, not expecting anything. Suddenly, a large dark shadow enveloped him. When he looked up, he found a large crane before him.

"Uh, hi?" Harry said. The bowed before extending it's leg. There was a letter attached. "Thank you." Harry said, retrieving the letter. On it was a single sentence. We need to talk soon. -B.

"What's with the bird Potter?" Malfoy sneered.

"It's a Black-necked Crane Mr. Malfoy. And I will remind you once more, my name is Thornwood, not Potter." Harry said, not even looking up from the letter.

"Whose B?" Tracey asked. Daphne and Blaise also leaned in to hear this answer.

"B is my master's initial for his name. This is the guy who lives in Tibet. Also, way to read over my shoulder Tracey." Harry said before the crane flew off. Tracey blushed in embarrassment. "Back to Quirrell, his mind should be fairly weak if he pissed off a vampire clan. They have a glamor, kinda like a Veela, except theirs is used to lull pray into lowering their guard." Harey explained.

"If thats true, then he should be docile, and possibly in a trace." Daphne said.

"True, if the vampires were trying to feed or mate with him. Vampires can control their glamor differently then Veela. They can use theirs with rage. Some call it bloodlust, but thats a different story. Anyway, when they use their rage to power their allure, they can tear through an enemies mental shields, if any. Even skilled Occlumens can be ripped of their mental strength." Harry explained.

"Long story short, if he enraged a vampire, much less a clan, we would have seen him start to break down since the beginning of school. That, or he would have died by now." Harry said, taking a bite of chicken. Tracey looked a bit green at this, while Blaise and Daphne looked unsettled.

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