Chapter 6

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Hello ladies and germs! I hope you are all happy with me going back and fixing most if not all my spelling mistakes. Now, i need to do some explaining. The potter kids are currently in training under the staff of Hogwarts, and Dumbledore. That's why there are currently there. Issue two, is that i rushed the chapters, not really going into my chapters personalities. This includes Harry and Remus. So, let me explain. I actually wanted it to be a bit rushed in the beginning. Harry was five when i started, and five year olds don't have a lot of personality. that comes from experiences in school and life. as he grew he was a more silent child under his relatives. he hasn't had the opportunity to grow his personality is what I'm trying to say. then, once Remus took him, they had to rush to get Harry adopted in order to change anything, and stop the potters from interfering. Also, if you want to flame me, don't be a little bitch and not use your actual account, and don't say that a story is bad because it goes against what the original story explains. Its Fanfiction. Anyway i hope that clears things up. Now, ON WITH THE SHOW! Oh, i see you have a bit of Chicago hot dog on your face. GET IN ZE VAN! WRONG SHOW! But rest in peace John Pinette.

"Why is Remus not responding!?" Lily asked.

"I don't know, but it must have something to do with Harry." Dumbledore said, stroking his beard. Just then the fire roared to life as Remus stepped into the house.

"Remus!" Lily yelled as she ran at the man.

"Lily step back!" Dumbledore demanded as he drew his wand. James and Sirius joined him and leveled their wands at their friend. Lily, now remembering the cause of the marauder's reunion jumped to the side.

"Remus, where is Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"Why do you wish to know?" Remus asked, taking his own wand out.

"He's gone missing, and you are considerably late after getting my message." Dumbledore said.

"I was in the middle of some business when your message arrived." Remus stated.

"So you don't know where he is?" Sirius asked.

"No, I don't." Remus remarked.

"I wish you wouldn't lie Remus, we went to the Dursley's and they told us his Uncle had taken him." Dumbledore said, not wavering with his wand.

"Well then, I guess you caught me." Remus said pulling a chair from under the table. He sat down and pocketed his wand.

"Is he okay!?" Lily demanded as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"He's perfectly fine. Might I get some tea?" Remus asked. Lily nodded before waving her wand and a kettle floated in. "Thank you Lily." Remus said crossing his legs.

"I doubt he is fine, if what happened to James is any indication." Sirius stated, before lowering his wand. Remus merely raised his eyebrow as he took a sip.

"What have you done to Harry!?" James demanded. Remus was silent.

"Well?" Dumbledore asked.

Remus smiled and said, "none, of your business." Everyone was shocked when he did this. "

You tell me, or I will bring you to headquarters and have you doused with veritaserum!" James yelled.

"Under what crime?" Remus asked.

"Kidnapping. I don't want to Remus, but I will if I must?" James said, pleading with his friend.

"Why?" Remus asked, stopping everyone in their tracks.

"Why what?" Dumbledore asked.

"Why do you care?" Remus asked.

"Why wouldn't I? He's my son!" Lily declared.

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