Chapter 2

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Hello ladies and germs! Dont got much to say other than, NOW, ON WITH THE SHOW! These are not the droids you are looking for. WRONG SHOW!

ghost/Snake/familiar/foreign language/ written speech

Two years had passed since we last saw little Harry Potter become a servant of his extended family. Being said servant gave Harry little happiness in life, especially if he failed in a task that his "family" gave him. At first it was small things, smaller helpings at meals, no going to the library, things like that. But slowly, the punishments got worse. At one point, they burned all of Harry's robes, saying they will not tolerate such freakishness in their presence. Luckily, Harry was able to save the moon pendant his mother had given him before he left. The worse punishment however, was a beating. Somehow, the elder Dursley's knew of ways to lessen the damage, but increase the pain that they inflicted on poor Harry. He still had scars, but not as many as he would have had if they had not treated him. Unknown to him, someone was looking for him...

Luckily today Harry had managed to complete his chores and make it to the library without incident. "Hm, what do I want to read today?" He asked himself. Harry had read almost the entire library in his short stay at Little Whining. This included topics such as meditation, history, even a bit of biology. He hadn't studied further, as he knew that the wizarding world had surpassed the muggles after this point. But today, Harry felt was different since the moment he had woken up.

And so, Harry set out in search of anything that would strike up his interest. He wandered for well over an hour, not realizing that he had made his way into an older part of the library.

You... come... closer. A voice flowed in the dusty air. Harry looked around for the owner of the voice, but could find no such person near him. Go... forward to... the wall. The voice said. Harry, knowing that magic worked in strange ways, approached the bookshelf that was on the wall.

As he scanned the shelf, a book fell from the very top onto his head. "Ouch." Harry said, gripping his head.

Take it... The voice groaned. As soon as Harry grabbed the book, a small jolt of pain went through his hand. You are... accepted. The voice said, clearer, and more defined. Harry scanned the book, looking for any sign of a title, or anything to show that this was a library book.

The book itself was a dark green, with black buckles on the binding. It was quite large, being nearly five hundred pages. There was no library check out card on the inside, nor was there a paper identification number on the side. There was no title either, only an emblem on the front. The emblem itself was a strange sight to behold. It was a black circle, with a grand oak tree inside. But on the tree were spikes, jutting out of the wood.

Leave with it... The voice said again.

"Who's there?" Harry asked. No answer. Deciding to take the book, making it a journal for Harry, he quickly slid past the librarian, and made his way to his relatives house.

"Boy, start helping with dinner." Came his Uncles voice from the living room.

"Yes Uncle." Harry said, before putting the book in his room and washing his hands.

Two hours later, after preparing, eating, and cleaning up, Harry sat in his room, dismissed for the night. "Now, lets start my journal." Harry said aloud. September 3, 1987. Harry wrote. After he finished, the words he had written faded away before something that shocked young Harry came back.

Is it really? The book replied.

Harry yelped and threw the book off him, landing right-side-up on the floor next to his mattress.

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