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• 25 - ON THE LEVEL •
Honest or not?

| Third Person's POV |

"Are you sure, Daciana? Accalia? You can't just conclude everything."

"Well, we're still not that 100% sure but you can feel it right?"

This question from Daciana made the King of Arcadia, the one the two maidens are talking too, gone into silence. They are in the King's workplace or office to be exact where the King used to do all paper works that is needed to be read and signed or sometimes where he used to meet some important people. Daciana and Accalia quickly get here to ask the King first thing when the sun is rising.

"I do feel familiar towards her but... it's impossible. Her name is different. Her abilities are different too. Those simple but important informations from her is far different to Celestia." King Neil said making Daciana and Accalia look at each other. King Neil sighs and stood up. "I know you already missed Celestia, after those years you've spent together but we can't just assume and hope." because of this, Accalia tried to speak up but there's no voice coming out of her mouth and Daciana quickly notice it. Accalia can't talk. She is muted ever since she was born. This become her barrier to communicate to everyone and tell her comments but Daciana found her and become her friend and eventually the two maidens become one of the maids in the castle of Arcadia. Over the years, the known kind King become close to them so there's no walls between when it comes to communications. Celestia, however, also become Daciana's and Accalia's friend but she suddenly disappeared without apparent reasons.

"Hyunjin and Beomgyu.. did you already talk to them?" Daciana asks the King after reading the sign language Accalia did. They ask this because... Hyunjin or Scythe and Beomgyu or Draven, are used to be their friends besides Celestia. King Neil then shakes his head.

"Beomgyu changed, I can't talk to him properly while Hyunjin.. he also doesn't know where Celestia is." the King answered. Accalia then tap Daciana's shoulder to gain her attention and do some sign language again.

"God Morpheus is the one bringing Hyunjin and Celestia here before." Daciana said while looking at Accalia. It's true. The god of the dreams is the one who brings Celestia and Hyunjin in the castle before while Beomgyu used to stay here in Arcadia.

"Nisha is Morpheus's daughter and Morpheus said that Celestia is a daughter of an Olympian god. There's a huge difference there, Accalia." King Neil stated remembering that time he ask the god who brings the kids and told him that Celestia is powerful than anyone can imagine. King Neil sigh, "Let's just hope that Celestia is still safe and happy to wherever she is. Let's not assume anything between Celestia and Nisha, okay?" the two maidens look at each in defeat before nodding. They know there's that gap and differences between their friend and the student of Class Hydra but their same guts are telling them otherwise. A knock on the door get their attention as it creak opens revealing the leaders of Class Hydra, Luana and Aeron.

"Is there something wrong, Luana? Aeron?" King Neil ask them as he sat down on his chair while Accalia and Daciana move to the sides with their heads down and get out of the room silently.

"Someone's here to get Silenus, King Neil." Luana announced as she and Aeron move to reveal a man behind them. The man have a youthful and handsome appearance. Brown tresses that falls below his shoulders and pair of hazel orbs that can pierce to anyone. A wreath of ivy laying on his head and a famous staff that is called thyrsus.

"God Dionysus." King Neil called out and quickly bow towards the god who gazes at him for awhile before a playful smile grew over his lips.

"Lift up your head. It's not like we're not close, Neil." the god claimed as he casually sat on the couch on the mini lounge inside the room. King Neil left out a chuckles and sat across the god who look back to the two students of Semideus that are still standing. "Sit down Luana and Aeron, I need to talk to the both of you behalf of the Class Hydra and Semideus Academy too." the god said while tapping the space beside him. Luana and Aeron look at each other because of that and obey the god of wine afterwards. Though Luana already have an idea to what the god will tell them eventually. "So firstly, I wanted to say thank you for taking care of Silenus when he got lost here." the god claimed.

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