Chapter 11: In your bed?

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        Okay so it’s safe to say that last night with Athena went a little badly… okay a lot! But I am not at fault here and I refuse to let her do this, it’s not just us anymore it’s the kingdom! They are the ones that suffer from this and they don’t even get a say.


        Suddenly I feel a soft finger poke my cheek making me turn in bed, burying my face in all the pillows… Wait pillows? I jump up to a sitting position and look at my surroundings, I’m in one of the castles large bedrooms, the ones important people reside in which is why there is no reason for grey eyes to be staring back at me. Knox is not important.


        He smiled widely flashing two rows of pearly white teeth “You're up thank Disney, you know at one point I could have sworn you were dead,” He explained, a goofy smirk playing on hip lips.


        “Why am I here?” I ask.


        Sure I’m completely ignoring his mocking but isn’t that how you deal with annoying people whenever they do something bad? Well that’s what I did when training Griffin, well I suppose I can’t compare Griffin and Knox, Griffin is so much better. Speaking of I should probably find that little guy, he gets irritable when he can’t find me, and that never works out for Direction.


        Knox looks around the room as though he’s missing something, when his eyes meet mine he shrugs “Well Lilly when people get tired the usually sleep, sleeping occurs in a bed. It does not occur on a cold, stiff couch down in the main hall which is where I found you by the way,” I quirked my eyebrow and his response and crossed my arms over my chest, I gave him a look as if to say continue “Well I don’t know how you were raised but I was taught to never leave a queen sleeping at the front entrance,” He gives me a pointed look as if he’s scolding a child “It’s dangerous Lilly, what if there was an attack?”


        “Well that’s more than possible,” I mumble under my breath, thinking of the argument me and my sister had last night. Sadly I didn’t say it quietly enough because Knox heard and perked his ears up at the information.


        “What do you mean?” He asks, clearly concerned. I guess I didn’t give the guy enough credit; he cares about his job and takes it seriously. Besides the General should know everything about the Malum and where we are at with them.


        “My sister is fresh on the Malum trail due to an extremely reliable piece of information, we are so close that I suggested we send out troops to where I know their are people that will lead us right to them but Athena believes we need to know more. While I’m working on her, I think it’s wise that you up the guard around the kingdom. A safety precaution if you will,” I don’t leave anything out; if I get him on my side maybe I can send the troops out without Athena’s knowledge. Knox ponders my words for a few minutes, thinking everything over.


        “Look Lilly I think your sister is right, they don’t know anything yet so why not use time to sharpen our knowledge, if this goes wrong that’s eighteen years of hunting them and finding allies that goes down the drain. With all due respect you don’t have the proper knowledge and skill to make such a decision, I agree that we should up the guard just be safe but in terms of attacking the Malum? We have too much to lose,” His words take in effect on me as I let them sink in.

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