Chapter 1 - The Letter

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Yo peeps, 

This is the start of my story, some details slightly changed to match the new timeline!! Hope you enjoy!


The party, Dean really didn't hate to admit, was rather boring. It was being thrown by a neighbouring kingdom to find suitors for their eligible court ladies. Dean had been hounded all night, he hated it so much he had asked his personal guard to get him out of the room discreetly. Urgh marriage, Dean was expected, as the crown prince, to make a political match when he married. Dean didn't want to do that. In fact Dean could never tell anyone what he wanted really, except for his younger brother, but Sam had left years ago. What Dean really wanted as to marry for love and there was one person in particular that he was becoming dangerously fond of.

His guard attempted to clear his throat subtly and Dean doubled over with laughter as the man went into a coughing fit. Castiel, the head of his personal guard, was his best friend and two years his senior. Castiel was often ridiculed by people behind his back because they didn't like the thought of a man from the white mountains being the protector of their prince. Dean had always found their concerns funny, not because they were unfounded, the people in the white mountains were known to be very vicious, because if they knew what Cas really was then they'd all go ballistic. You see Castiel wasn't just any ordinary warrior, like John Winchester and most of the country thought, no Castiel was Angelici and not just that he was high Angelici. If people in the small country of learned that the head of their crown princes detail was not human nor the James Novak he was pretending to be. There would be trouble. So Dean kept his best friend's secret. It was the only one he kept with his life.

"Would it kill you to relax?" The prince laughed at his personal detail as the man jumped at every small noise.

"Probably," came the grumbling reply. "But most likely it would kill you too."

"Well I'l take my chances, dance with me." Dean knew that Cas would, the guy liked to dance but given his profession it was hard. Dean tried very hard not to completely turn to liquid in the arms of the man he was slowly but surely falling for. He also tried very hard not to gasp when Cas dipped him at the end. At this point Dean was sure the man knew about his secret not so secret crush.

That night on the way back from the stupid ball, Cas asked dean the question he knew was coming.



"Are we going to pretend that we didn't dance at that party and that you didn't go beet red whenever I touched you?"

"And?" Dean said getting all defensive.

"So we are going to pretend that tonight didn't happen."

"Only to everyone else." Dean mumbled. Cas looked at him weirdly but gave up.


They were in the carriage when Dean said something but it was really quiet and Cas couldn't hear it. If he didn't want to talk about it then they wouldn't talk Cas decided. Cas was willing to give Dean all the time that he needed if that meant they could finally be together. You see Dean was not very good at subtle, not that Cas was either if the coughing fit earlier was anything to go by. Dean knew that his father couldn't know, that no one could suspect them but he still didn't do anything to quell the rumours, if anything he fed them by doing things like they had done tonight. The thing was Dean knew that he wouldn't refuse or that he couldn't refuse and he used that to his advantage when it came to social situations.

They got back to the palace late that night and Cas went straight to the room that he had in the north wing. It wasn't small by anyone's normal standards, but it wasn't a big room in the castle. There was a letter waiting for him by the window. That was how he knew this was important, someone from the isles had hand delivered it. He dreaded opening the letter and so he left it on the table. Cas needed to stretch his wings. The thing about Angelici was that they could keep their wings invisible to the sight and touch, but it cost them if they were there too long, Cas' had been there for three months now and he dreaded looking at them.

Castiel was the one of 6 children to the king and prince consort of the Haeveen isles. He was not the least powerful, but he sought a life away from the throne of the islands and away from parties and fake smiles, which was why he had come to Earos. when Castiel first entered the country it was through the white mountains and so when John Winchester came looking for a man to head up the guard he volunteered. Cas was first and foremost a warrior he was not trained in the diplomatic conferences and parties that his siblings were and for that he was grateful, they were so incredibly boring. That was not the only reason he had left Haeveen. On the islands the crown prince was chosen as the one with the most power not the first born and as such Lucifer the third youngest was crown prince. The problem with lucifer was that he believed humans didn't deserve to be on the same level as Angelici, or to be blunt he was a traditional bastard. Traditionally the Angelici kept humans as slaves and pets but in more recent years his fathers had begun to battle that. Lucifer wanted to take everyone all back to the beginning and then conquer the world. So Castiel decided to see what the letter was all about.

Castiel Nightingale,

As prince of the Haeveen Isles you have been cordially invited to the wedding of the season. On the 23rd of august, the countries of Earos and Haeveen will be united with the match of Crown prince Lucifer Nightingale and the prince of Earos Samuel Winchester.

Castiel almost forgot to put his wings away in the rush that he was in to find Dean. When he got to the prince's room he composed himself and knocked. When Dean opened the door he smiled.

"Didn't think you could stay away," he smirked before noticing the look on Cas' face. "What is it?"

"Did you know?"

"Did I know what?" Cas stood paralysed with fear for Dean's brother as he handed over the letter.

"Cas I think you had better come in."

Oooooo cliffhanger!

Til next time 


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