Chapter 17

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Huge "THANK YOU!!!" to everyone that has voted and commented. Y'all don't even realize how much it means to me. Speaking of comments. I've noticed that I don't get notifications for all the comments. Sorry to anyone has tried to ask me a question and then been "ignored." I swear I am not ignoring anyone but if I don't answer but within a couple of hours then message me. Thanks.


Homestead approximately 50 miles from Desert Rose...

Row after row of potatoes were an unusual sight to see in the desert. A mystical fountain in the center provided water to the dry land, feeding the thirsty plants and enlarging the tubers to their maximum. A harvester and planter moved up and down the rows while workers gathered the crop and fed it into a grinding machine. Tubes fed into a pump that pushed the slurry through hoses and into a mine opening. Dameon, Jonathan, and Tracy went together to confirm drone surveillance.

"That's a lot of french fries." Dameon said.

"Look." Tracy said, nodding to the far left.

They watched as a large refrigerated truck pulled up to a large white tent. Outside the tent, a few people dressed in hazmat suits holding odd looking apparatuses and tubes stood near a large boulder surrounded by a white mushy substance. One of the hazmats pumped a metal canister and sprayed it towards the boulder. The boulder began the smoke and pieces broke off landing in the white mush. Carefully setting down the canister, they opened the lid and added a small tube of something. Sealing the container once more, they sprayed again. This time the boulder liquefied dripping into the wet mess beneath.

"The lemon thingys must be in that truck and that's where they're making it into a rock dissolver. It's obviously working. That would explain how they're managing to dig a tunnel without our hearing them." Tracy said.

"We have to get back and warn the others." Jonathan said.

"Wait." Tracy said seeing a black car pulling up to the large ranch style house.

A man with a cowboy hat, they didn't readily recognize, stepped out of the back. His lips puckered as if he were whistling and something crawled out behind him. He shut the door and the car drove around the side. Shock kept the trio motionless as they realized that at the end of the leash was not a dog but a person. Rage built in Tracy's throat, her eyes glowed a burning silver, as she recognized Aysa Crawford.

Jonathan was speaking but she didn't hear a word, he cupped his mate's face and turned her gaze to him. "Tracy. We will get Asya out of there. I promise. But right now we have to go."

Tracy hesitated.

"You both go." Dameon said. "I'll stay and keep an eye on things. Just pull my bike off the back of your truck and leave it."

"Please don't do anything stupid and wait for us." Tracy said.

"When have I ever done anything stupid?" Dameon asked.

Author: He has a point. I wrote him to be arrogant, crude, and rough around the edges but not stupid.

"Fine. Just be careful because I have a feeling that the author is going to be stupid." Tracy said.

Author: It's only stupid if it doesn't work.

Everyone stared at the Author. Author cleared her throat and muttered as she walked away, "Um...I will be over here."

"I'll be careful." Dameon said.

Tracy and Jonathan left quickly. Dameon turned to the side and looked at the Author, "Well what asinine plan do you have going for this part?"

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