Kitchen Fairies Suga and Jin

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Word Count: 2597

EEEEEE! Hope you guys like this :)


You were a proud person. Nothing mattered more to you than the way you appeared to others, your reputation and your pride. But it was your pride that had led to the situation you were currently in.

"This is never going to work!" You cried, pulling at your hair in frustration. "Woah, woah, calm down. These are just ideas," your best friend Jimin said as he quickly flipped the notepad to a new page. "Ugh, but none of them are good enough! We'll never come up with something perfect in such little time!" "We'll get something good before the sun sets, don't worry," the ever so positive blond replied, looking at your state with concern. Your H/C hair was disheveled, your clothes wrinkled with flour all over them, and your face a worried mess. If only you had taken a look at yourself at that point you would've started crying. But you had no time for such a thing. Your relentless pride had made you accept a baking challenge from the most riveted student of your year for which you had to make a birthday cake for a young girl at a deaf and blind community. She'd be picking out the best from between yours and your challenger, and you had no plans to lose.....lose the challenge but not your mind. It seemed like you were going crazy at this point. "Oh, Jimin, I think I'm gonna go mad from all this pressure!" "Then why on earth did you even accept the challenge?!" "I....I...." Your face turned red from searching for an answer, making Jimin laugh. "Wow, you really are something." Suddenly, his phone started ringing and he excused himself out of the classroom you were sitting in, leaving you alone to think. But you couldn't think at all. It was almost as if you were in a Baker's block....did something like that even exist?! You had to clear your head first. Just as you started to stand up from your seat to take a look outside the window, you heard the room door slide open, and spun around to see if it was Jimin coming back. The person who stood there made your eyes turn wide.

"How's it coming, Y/N?" asked Jeon Jungkook, your charming challenger, as he leaned against the door with his hands crossed. His words sounded like those of a concerned friend, but the smile on his face said otherwise.You straightened your back and lifted your chin up a little. "Amazing." He scoffed and shook his head before turning to leave. "Look forward to my win tomorrow," he said with a wink and then walked away.

Your expression showed no signs of changing until a few minutes after he left. Once you were sure he was far enough, you let out a breath you hadn't known you'd been holding, brows wrinkling with worry. "There's no way I'll win in this condition!" you whisper shouted to yourself, scrunching up your top in your hands. "Y/N?" Jimin suddenly poked his head into the room. "I'm sorry, was I gone too long? You look worse than before." "Oh, Jimin!" you were almost on the verge of crying. He hadn't seemed to notice, however, because he was focused on his phone instead. "Hey look, Taehyung got into a fight with someone and he's at the clinic now. I should-" "What?! How?! When?!" you burst out. "You don't worry about that. You have enough on your head already. Let me take care of him. I'll be back soon, okay," and with that, he smiled, showed you a thumbs up, and then disappeared. Great. Just great. Taking in a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself down. Then you started walking around the room in circles, raking your brain for ideas.

"Come on, come on, come on!" You finally turned to hitting your head over and over in the hopes of it spitting out an amazing idea. "Why do you have to be so difficult, stupid brain!"

"Woah, hey, calm down!" You heard from behind you and spun around in shock. There was no one.Your heart started racing and you felt adrenaline rush through your body. Your eyes quickly scanned the room for someone. "Wh-who's there!?" "Over here," you heard a male's voice call out, and turned around, again finding no one. You frowned, worried. "Have I finally gone mad...?" "No, silly," you heard again, and this time when you turned around, you saw a tiny person hovering in the air in front of you and gasped loudly, bringing your hands to your mouth, eyes wide. Your whole body had frozen and for a few moments, you just blinked, wondering if you were even seeing right. "Stop staring," the tiny person said, and you gasped again. "I-I-I'm s-sorry...." "I think we scared her," said another voice from behind you and suddenly, a second tiny hovering person came into your view, a little taller than the first. "Should we...?" The first spoke, making the second nod in reply.

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