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POV: Mira

"Mira, are you ready?" Mother yelled, "He's here for you!"

"Coming!" I shout back. I quickly tie the laces on my white sneakers. I took a look in the mirror. Something is missing. A belt maybe. I searched through the stacks of moving boxes to grab my black, buckle belt. Quickly I fed the fabric through the loops of my pink, baggy cargo pants and rushed down the stairs. Mom and Dad stood in front of the door with Hagrid. I met Hagrid a week ago with the Headmaster.

"Make sure to write to us every week and tell us how it is." Dad says. Both of them are muggles so they were slowly learning of the wizarding world through me. 

I roll my eyes mentally. They were only saying that so that Hagrid wouldn't think poorly of them. Back at Beauxbatons I sent them letters every four or five days, and most went unanswered. I was pretty sad to leave Beauxbatons after only two years, but Dad's company's headquarters moved from France to the UK. And so the three of us packed up our things and moved only two weeks ago. Luckily there was a school for wizards in the UK for me to attend. We put in the transfer and I was set to have my first day mid-October. I still haven't unpacked my things yet from the move, hence the boxes in my room.

"I promise I'll send as many letters as I can." I falsely smiled. Mom brushed a brown curl out of my face. Get away from me. Quickly, I left with Hagrid for Hogwarts. I was honestly ready to leave. Mom and Dad were never around anyways. Always in business meetings. That was the first time I saw them in months. I won't miss them. I can guarantee I won't even think of them.

Hagrid left me just outside of the Great Hall while someone went to get students to show me around. I stood waiting, watching students slowly assemble for dinner. Hogwarts was already much different from Beauxbatons. Instead of three houses, there were four. And people were 'segregated' by them, unlike Beauxbatons, where everyone was together. Based on my Beauxbaton house, Bellefeuille, I was told by headmaster Dumbledore, I would be placed into either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, which were the equivalent of my old house. After a short conversation, we decided on Ravenclaw, especially since my grades were higher than many Hogwarts students. But to be sure, we would still need to hold a sorting at some point in the year. For the time being, I was in the blue house.

"Ms. Taygeta." someone called. I slowly turned to face the head of the Gryffindor house. My lips pressed into a small smile greeting her. She was old and had a kind face.

"Yes, Professor?" I said. McGonagall smiled and ushered two girls forward. One was a white, blonde and the other an Asian with long, black hair.

"Hello." The blonde said almost whispering. "My name is Luna and this is Cho," she says, gesturing to the other girl. Cho smiled and turned as she spoke,

"We're both in your house this year and will be your roommates." I followed them through the castle as they showed me where everything was. The school was much smaller than Beauxbatons, which I liked. It meant things would be easier to find. It's odd that there are boys here too, though. Fleur would go crazy.

"And just around this corner and up this flight of stairs is our common room." said Luna finally concluding the tour. We all stood there awkwardly.

"Oh, I almost forgot: your name is Myra, right?" asked Cho starting up the stairs.

"It's Mira." I corrected her, speaking to the two for the first time. I followed them up.

"See, I told you, Cho." said Luna. "So to enter our common room and dorms you need to answer a riddle." I liked that. No one would be able to enter except those of higher intellect.

After doing so, we went inside and up a small flight of stairs into a room with three beds in it. It was quite plain, not that I minded. I like plain. I dropped my bag on the empty desk.

"If you both would excuse me for a moment." I said and immediately walked into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. I stood staring at myself in the mirror. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. A small bit of panic had taken over me. I honestly don't think I'll fit in. I won't even have robes for another week. I held my head up high like I see Mom and Dad do before making a business deal. I took one last look at myself and left the bathroom.

"Alright, where off to now?" I asked, interrupting a hushed conversation between the two girls. I hope they weren't talking about me.

"Dinner." Luna smiled. 

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