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POV: Mira

I sit in the courtyard waiting for Potter. His shaggy brown hair catches my eyes. He's not walking with Ron. Perfect. I smile.

"Harry!" I shout, running to him.

"Yeah?" he turns.

"I heard that you were chosen," I say clutching my books against my chest, "and I was wondering if you wanted some help? I feel that you're at a disadvantage. Especially since you're younger and all."

"That would be great, thanks, Mira." he smiles. We walk together. Now he thinks that I'm being friendly which is exactly what I need. I look up to a tree. Malfoy sits on a branch looking down at us. I catch his eye. He raises an eyebrow. He knows that this is my task and he better not ruin this for me. I'm making progress. I give him a look and I grab Harry's arm to lead him away.

"Why so tense Pottah?" Are you fucking kidding me?

"Father and I have a bet, you see? I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament." he jumps down from the tree, "He disagrees. He doesn't think you'll last five." His goons laugh with him.

"I don't give a damn about what your father thinks, Malfoy," Harry shoves him, "Hes vile and cruel, and you're pathetic." Oh shit. He really just made a big mistake. Harry turns and starts to leave.

Draco draws his wand.

"Don't you think it's unfair for a wizard to draw his wand on another's back?" I ask, stepping towards him. I give him a look. "Please don't." I whisper so only he can hear me. He ignores me. I step in front of him.

"Just leave it be." I whisper again.

"Move." he says. Staring at Potter's back as he walks away. "Let me hex the shit out of him."

"No." I stand my ground.

"Just move." He says, his eyes trailing over to mine. He really does have beautiful eyes.

"Make me." I smile.

"Move you bitch. Or I'll hex the living shit out of you."

"Do it then." I take out my wand and take a step back.

"Stupefy!" he yells. I suddenly can't see and I'm very disoriented. I didn't actually expect him to hex me. I hear his feet run past me. When my eyes focus again I see Harry and Malfoy shooting spells at each other. I must've looked so stupid just standing there.

Suddenly I'm angry. Angry at Malfoy for ruining my chance. People have assembled around the two dueling, not daring to take a step forward and help either one. Luckily, I'm not one of those people.

"Incarcerous!" I yell, pointing my wand towards Malfoy. Ropes suddenly appear around his body. They twist and turn around him, getting tighter and tighter. The flying colors stop and Harry looks up at me as I walk towards Malfoy. He gives me a nod in thanks. I glare at the tied up boy.

"Incendio." Malfoy whispers. The ropes burn off of him. Shit.

"Expulso!" He yells, pointing his wand at Harry. Thinking fast, I scream,

"Deprimo!" Harry falls into a newly made hole in the ground, just narrowly missing the curse thrown by Malfoy.

"That could've killed him!" I yell. He threw a curse that would have thrown Potter into a wall. He would've gotten expelled. To be quite honest, I wouldn't have minded if Potter had gotten hit by it. But I feared for Draco and what the Dark Lord would have done to him if he was expelled from Hogwarts. He wouldn't be able to complete his task meaning Voldemort would have no use for him.
"And I'll do it again!" Malfoy shouts back, turning towards me. Does he not understand I just saved his ass from being avada kedavrad? I get my wand ready again to protect myself and attack. I don't have a chance to before a voice shouts,

"Carpe retractum!" I feel a rope around my middle and look down to see a string of light. It yanks me towards someone and I am caught by an arm around the waist.

"Petrificus totalus!" The blinding spell. Malfoy stumbles back, unable to see. I look up to see I'm in Cedric's arm. How dare he?! I had this completely under control! I don't need his help. I push myself away as he shouts one last spell,

"Calvorio!" The hair loss hex. Malfoy's blonde, swooping hair falls to the floor. He reaches up and touches his bald head.

"My father will hear about this!" he screams. I can't be angry anymore. This was too funny.

"Are you alright?" he asks, tilting his head towards me.

"Yes," I say brushing dirt off my robes, "I'm fine thanks."

"Why would you even do that?! You both are going to get in a lot of trouble." Cedric says.

"Yes well I was trying to protect Potter." Potter. He's still in the hole. I turn around to see Moody pulling him out. He gets ushered away and the crowd scatters. Shoot. At least he saw that I saved him. Brownie points, I guess. 

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