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POV: 3rd

Mira's outfit choice was very poor if she wanted to avoid attention. Her baby pink pants and oversized white "Fleetwood Mac" shirt made her stick out like a sore thumb in the sea of black robes. Heads turned to catch a glimpse of her then returned to their food to start new gossip of her.

"I heard she plays quidditch and will win the cup for Ravenclaw." Said a slytherin boy. She nearly scoffed from how wrong that statement was. She would never play quidditch. She was raised around muggle sports and that's what she wanted to stay playing. She sat with Luna and Cho and listened to their conversation while eating a chicken drum. The conversation was primarily Cho speaking of a Hufflepuff boy.

"Mira, look over there." She said pointing to the boy who was talking to another Hufflepuff. Cho was right, he was very attractive.

"Do you fancy him, Cho?" asked Mira, trying to continue the conversation.

"He's very cute, isn't he?" She replied, ignoring her question. Cho rested her chin in her hands.

"I would agree with that." Shrugged Mira. Luna giggled,

"As do I," she said.

"Oh my Merlin, he's coming over." Cho quickly brushed her hair out of her face.

"Hello, Cho," he said, then turned to Luna, "Luna," He smiled warmly. He turned over to face Mira, "and you are?" he inquired.

"Mira, and you?" she asked, sticking out her hand for him to shake.

"Cedric." he took her hand into his own. He raised it to his lips and gave it a small kiss. "I must be on my way, but it was nice to make acquaintance with you." And with that, he left. Mira turned back to Cho and Luna who both had their mouths wide open.

"What?" Mira laughed.

"You guys would make a cute couple," said Luna clasping her hands together staring at the ceiling dreamily.

"You show up out of nowhere and Cedric Diggory has already spoken to you." Says Cho, still in shock.

"You act like Cedric is a celebrity and doesn't speak to anyone." said Mira, raising her eyebrows.

"No, but he's fairly quiet and keeps to himself." Cho says a large smile spreading across her face. Mira just shook her head.

"He knows I'm new, he was just being friendly." Mira said dismissively and began to eat again. Cho and Luna began to gossip once more. Instead of Cedric, the topic this time was Harry Potter. According to Cho, he fainted on the train on the way to Hogwarts. The reason being dementors. Mira thought it was odd to faint because of them, but continued to listen to Cho.

After a few minutes, Mira felt a small tap on her shoulder and turned around to find a short man holding a piece of paper.

"Good evening, Ms Taygeta. I am Professor Flitwick, the head of the Ravenclaw house. This will be your schedule for this year, please don't hesitate to find me if you have any questions." She grabbed the paper and thanked him. After dinner, Luna and Cho took her back upstairs to their room. As soon as the lights were shut off, she fell asleep.

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