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POV: Mira

It was dark outside now. The room was gloomily and weakly illuminated by the moonlight. I stared outside hoping for the answers to my struggles to be written in the stars. Oh how I love the stars. At our old house, my room had a wall of windows. If I was ever in my room, you would find me looking outside up at the sky. It was always the most comforting to me. I thought of myself as the one tiny star in between the two brightest, biggest ones in the sky. Every star is significant, no matter how small and dim. They're all there for a reason and it always kept me going.

"Mira Aenigma." Someone saying my name interrupted my trail of thought. I immediately grabbed for my wand and held it out.

"Who are you?" I shouted. Silence encompassed the room.

"Who. Are. You." I repeated much more clearly. A shape emerged from the shadows of the room. My wand suddenly flew out of my hand, hit the wall beside me, and fell to the ground. I gasped as a piercing laugh rang through my ears.

"What do you want of me?" I questioned, struggling to keep my voice steady.

"Ah," said the man, "Just like Camille. In the face of danger, always composed and showing no fear." Camille. It's the same name again.

"I assume Camille is my mother's name?" I ask, slowly moving to where my wand is. I don't know who this man is or how he got into the room. My wand is my only form of protection. Draco's words suddenly came back to me: if I am to die by a death eater, I will not go without a fight.

"Smart girl," he says moving closer into the light. His face is now illuminated by the moon. "Your wand will do you no good." He says, "I am easily the most powerful man in the wizarding world and will kill you in an instant." I stop moving and turn to face him.

"Why are you here, then, if not to kill me?" I ask meekly.

"Kill you?" he laughs, "Why would I kill my own blood? What would ever give you such an idea?" I stood there looking at him, and suddenly it became much clearer. My father is the one who stands before me.

"Why did it take you so long to find me?" I ask breaking the silence.

"You weren't ready. I needed to ensure you would be like me. We think the same, you and I. I've been watching you. When I saw that your boggart was yourself, I knew you would be a part of The Dark Lord's plan."

"What about my boggart?" I say frowning. That made absolutely no sense. How was that the determining factor?

"You're afraid of your own mind. What it tells you to do and how you feel. You have no control over it and you've been holding back. You know, deep down you're evil," he sits down on the bed across from where I'm standing and motions for me to sit down as well. At that moment, I forgot all about my wand. "It's how I was." he says almost...fondly. We sat in silence. My father looked into his lap while I studied his face. We didn't look very similar, I realize. Except our noses, which were completely identical to each other.

"I'm not evil though," I whisper. "I can just be a bitch." I look up to meet his eyes which narrow at my words.

"Accept who you are, it's as simple as that. Darkness runs in your blood, embrace it. You can easily take the Dark Lord's place." he says suddenly standing up.

"I thought that we work for the Dark Lord. Does that not mean we shouldn't wish for a replacement?" I ask him, confused by his words. I stand up and follow him as he walks towards the door.

"Your loyalty to him will make you a wonderful death eater. He will be pleased to hear that you wish to join us." he says leaving the room.

"Wait, dad, I never said I wanted to join." It felt strange to call this man, who I have never met prior to now, dad. I follow him downstairs. He turns around and smiles at me.

"You will find that the Dark Lord can be very persuasive; you will join us almost immediately upon meeting him." he says. I laugh at the absurdity of my father's words. I just met him. How does he expect me to join a....cult right within the first five minutes of meeting him.

"If I do join him, it will be only to be with you and mother," I say choosing my words carefully, "do I get to stay with you until then?" I add smiling.

"I do not wish to expose you to the rest of the death eaters yet, they are selfish and jealousy will overcome them," my smile fades as I realize I won't get to live with my real family. "Don't be upset," father says, lifting my chin up, "you will be with us in no time. For this summer though, I request you stay with the Parkinson's." He says. My eyes widen and I back away from him.

"Pansy?! Absolutely not! I would kill her if I had the chance."

"When I say request; it means no arguments." father says turning away from me.

"Yes, father."

"I will letter you when you arrive. Your assignments for the next school year will be accompanying the letter," he says stepping towards the center of the common room, "until we meet again." he says bowing his head.

"Father, wait!" I shout, but he's already gone.

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