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POV: Mira

The cabinet shook in front of us.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" Professor Lupin asked the class making us all jump. "Would anyone like to make a guess as to what is inside?"

"That would be a boggart." said Malfoy rolling his eyes. I turned to face him. I didn't realize he was in this class. Now that I think about it, all of my classes were primarily gryffindors and slytherins and have both Harry and Malfoy in them.

"Very good, Mr. Malfoy," he said walking to the front of the room, "now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows. They're shapeshifters that take the appearance of whatever a particular person fears the most." I answered.

"Yes. And that's what makes them truly terrifying. Luckily, there is a simple charm used to repel them. Repeat after me, 'riddikulus'"

"Riddikulus" the class repeated.

"Hey," someone whispered behind me. I turned to face Cedric and gave him a warm smile, "I was wondering if you would want to walk with me sometime soon?" he asked me.

"Yes, I would love to," I whisper to him, turning back to the professor.

"Force it to take the shape of something that makes you laugh. Now, line up behind...oh let's see... Neville!" Lupin says. Neville's eyes widened. "Oh, Neville, don't be frightened. Now, what is your biggest fear?" Neville mumbled something but no one could hear him.

"Speak up!" said someone from the back of the room.

"....Professor Snape." The whole class erupted into laughter. It was terrible that he was afraid of one of the professors but even I couldn't help myself from laughing.

"Now, now," says Lupin smiling trying to quiet the room. He steps towards Neville and whispers instructions into his ear. "Ready?" He asks. Neville nods. A man with greasy, long black hair stepped out of the cabinet and approached Neville.

"Think, Neville, think." Lupin bends down to encourage him.

"Riddikulus." He says meekly and the professor is suddenly wearing grandma clothes. Snape not wearing black was a strange sight to see, yet still a funny one.

"Wonderful, my boy! Alright, one by one, practice your spell." Lupin says turning to have a seat to observe the class. A girl stepped up and her boggart was a bear; she turned it into a puppy. Ron was next and his was a spider, he made it have roller skates. Next was a girl who had a giant snake. Everyone had normal fears. Then, it was my turn. I don't know what my biggest fear really is so I am curious to find out. The boggart started to transform and staring right at me, was myself.

My brown curly hair, and dark green eyes. Brown skin and straight nose. It was me in the flesh. The boggart smiled. Out of confusion I said the charm and watched myself transform into just a doll. I stepped out of the way so the next student could try. I had a seat. Why is my biggest fear myself? I am always afraid of accidentally sabotaging myself, but I never really thought of it as my biggest fear. Sometimes I will have mini episodes in which all I feel is pure hatred. I guess I'm just scared of doing something I will regret during an episode.

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