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POV: Draco

I was sitting on the window bench watching the fish swim by when she walked in. That filthy mudblood was always everywhere. I told father of her and instead of acting with fury, he acted in fascination. It really pissed me off. He instructed me to tell her a death eater wanted to talk to her. I hope whoever it was was going to kill her.

I shifted my ring around my finger. I didn't really know how to start the conversation so I just sat there staring at the back of her head. Her long, brown curly hair fell half way down her back. Her posture was terrible, but what can I expect from a muggleborn. I have to see her all the time. She's in all my classes and I am forced to sit next to her in most of them. We haven't exchanged many words since before the Hippogriff incident, which was months ago.

Sitting next to her meant that I could study her easily. I know that her grades are almost as good as mine. Almost. She was my main competition in class. There were some okay things about her though; she always had the same look of annoyance that I did when one of the golden trio spoke, which I could appreciate. She was also pretty for a mudblood, as much as I hate to admit. But the worst part about her is that she thinks she has the right to argue with me. It takes me by surprise every time. The bitch needs to learn respect for her societal superiors. I might just have to be the person to teach her.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" she asked suddenly, still looking into the fire. I was completely startled.

"A death eater wants to speak to you." I say, standing up. Mira stood up from her chair and turned around to face me.

"Why is that?" she asked, her face as blank as stone. I looked at her green eyes and didn't speak.

"Did you not hear me?" she repeated, looking angry.

"I heard you." I said blankly.

"Then, why." she said looking from eyes to my lips back to my eyes.

"I'm unsure." We stood there staring at each other in silence. I ran a hand through my blonde hair and was about to further explain what my father told me. I didn't get a chance because she spoke first:

"Do not talk to me." she said, knowing I was going to say something. She began to turn around to go upstairs.

"They're going to kill you," I spat, suddenly annoyed with the disrespect. "You're a mudblood, there's no reason for people of such power to speak to you." I added. She slowly turned around and took a step towards me.

"Come up with a new name to call me, Malfoy, it's sad your pea brain can only think of one." she turned on her heel and started walking up to her dorm. She turned to look down from where she was on the stairs and added, "if someone wants to talk, have them find me."

I put my hands in my pockets and went up to my own room to write father a letter explaining what just happened. No death eater would ever comply with her request. Merlin, I hate that girl.

it's okay to stare at me, i understand🖤Where stories live. Discover now