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POV: Mira

I stare at Pansy's sleeping body. I wouldn't be absolutely exhausted if she didn't hex my bed. She should be up by now. I guess I should wake her up myself.

"Tarantallegra," I whisper, pointing my wand at her. Her body shoots up into a seated position and her eyes open. Her arms reach to move the covers and she gets out of the bed. Her legs widely move around. She only has control over her arms.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Me." she says through gritted teeth. I rub my wand with my sleeve.

"A dancing spell; you won't be able to stop until the jinx is repeated."

"You act like I'm not also a wizard," She rolls her eyes and reaches behind her for her wand. Her hand moved around the night stand searching for the wand I took right before I jinxed her. I gasp sarcastically.

"Oh," I say dangling her wand in front of her, just out of her arm's reach, "That may be so but too bad you don't have a wand to use to unjinx yourself."

"You bitch!" She screams. I smile. "You're absolutely insane!" As she struggles,  I walk into the bathroom to freshen up. I pull back my curls into a bun and brush my teeth. Today is the big day. The first challenge. I need to find and help Potter. Merlin knows he won't be able to figure it out himself.

I walk back out and grab my jumper off my bed. The sounds of Pansy struggling is music to my ears. She began to cry as well. I don't feel bad.

"I'll send someone up to help you." I say leaving the room. Before I shut the door, I add, "Eventually." The volume and intensity of her sobs increase. That felt so good, I'm absolutely not going to lie.

After eating in the great hall, I walk over to the champions tent. I can see their shadows on the fabric.
"Potter!" I whisper. One stops moving. "Potter!" I try again. He slowly walks over to the fabric separating us.

"Hermione?" he asks. Seriously? I sound nothing like her. I would cut out my vocal chords if I had to sound like her.

"No, it's Mira."

"Come in through the slit." he says moving away. I run my fingers over until I find the hole. The tent is fairly large. It's separated into four areas: a spot for each champion.

"Mira!" Fleur says, pulling me into an embrace.

"Fleur, get off of me." I laugh, pushing her off. Why hasn't she learned that I hate interaction by now? We've literally been friends for years.

"Sorry I forget sometimes. Why are you even here?" She apologizes. I raise my eyebrows and turn to face Potter who stands directly to my right waiting to be acknowledged. After all, I did come in here for him.

"Ohhh," she says, realizing I'm not there for her, "Ok, well I'll just... I'll just talk to Victor," she says, slowly backing away. I smile, she's too funny.

"I never got to thank you for helping me," he says. At least he's polite enough to thank me.

"Malfoy was just being a prat." I shrug. "So do you know what your task is?" I ask. Cedric notices me in the tent and begins walking over. I silently thank Merlin. I don't think I could talk to only Potter for longer than two minutes.

"We're not supposed to know, but dragons." he whispers.

"Do you have a plan yet? If not, I can help. I do have a few ideas in mind."

"Yes. But thanks for offering your help again. I'll certainly use it for the next task."

"Anytime, Potter," I say. He smiles and turns to great Cedric with me.

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