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POV: 3rd

Cedric paced back and forth on the tower. He was early. Only by a few minutes. But he was still worried that she wouldn't show up.

"Hi, Cedric." he turns to see her walking up the stairs.

"Mira," he smiles. She was just as nervous as he was. All they could hear were the crickets below them.

"You're an odd boy, Cedric Diggory." she says walking to the railing.

"How so?" he asks, following her over. She thinks for a moment then turns to face him,

"You are the only person who has spoken kindly to me this year. Why is that?"

"Well," he pauses to think, "when I first saw you, I knew you would make a wonderful friend. But the more I studied you last year, I began to like you more. You're quiet and not obnoxious. You're smart, but not a show off. You're kind, but only when someone treats you correctly. You're-

"Hold on," she interrupts, "I thought being a Hufflepuff was about being kind? Is it not bad that I'm a bitch ninety nine percent of the time?"

"I'll have you know that our main trait is not being kind: it simply is just a stereotype. I am most definitely not kind all the time; only to those who deserve it." he defends.

"I was joking," she laughs, "But I could never picture you to be mean."

"Maybe because I could never harm you purposefully in any way," he smiles.

"Is that so?" She teases. He nods. "Then you won't hurt my feelings by saying no when I ask to dance?"

"Smooth." he laughs, "But, yes, of course." Mira smiles and holds out her hand. He takes it. And they danced for forever. Mira preferred the silence over talking to hi,, and dancing was the best way to do that. Cedric's warmth easily kept her from being cold, so overall, she enjoyed the experience.

"Mira?" Cedric asks. They hadn't spoken in an hour.


"I'm the Hogwarts champion." Mira pulls away.

"...you mean for the tournament?" She asks wide eyed.

"Yes, I was chosen." he smiles. "I didn't think you knew because I didn't see you there." He was clearly happy about that.

"...no. No, I didn't know." She didn't want to say anything about how incredibly stupid he was for participating in such a dangerous activity. Mira looked at his smiling face. She couldn't hurt his feelings. "Congratulations?" she offered.

"Thank you. Potter was also chosen." Mira had to physically restrain herself from scoffing. Of course he was chosen. Such a special boy.

"Oh." Mira says, attempting to keep her emotions suppressed.

"Yeah," he puts his hands in his pockets, "well I better be off to bed if I want to do well tomorrow."

"Goodnight Cedric."

"Goodnight Mira." 

And Cedric left her on the tower. She looked up at the stars. Oh the beautiful stars. 

'Stupid, Potter. He won't last a day: he's too stupid. I guess this is a perfect opportunity to begin my task and draft a plan.' She thought. 'I'll find him first thing in the morning and offer my help.'

Mira was right of course: he would desperately need her help. 

But what she didn't know is that Potter would soon begin to rely on her for more than just the tournament. 

She thought of the whole ordeal as a necessary task for her to complete before she could be loved and adored by her father. So desperately she wanted to be like her mother; and that was her motivation. 

Mira was prepared to kill Potter, even though she wasn't truthfully looking forward to the act of it. 

She was then ready to do anything he needed, no matter how much she didn't want to.

It was time to get started.

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