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POV: Mira

"Draco Malfoy and Mira Aenigma," he said.

I could only see the back of his head. His pale, white skin glowed in the light. The empty dorm looked odd. It was not yet messy with inhabitant's things. The Dark Lord had moved a desk chair and sat in front of the window, not speaking. He looked out  at Hogwarts' grounds. 

I am so afraid. My hands shake by my sides. I'm actually doing this. Wow, okay.

I have only thought of turning to his side. Is this what I really wanted? What I would do to know what Draco is thinking right now. I hope he has similar thoughts of uncertainty.

I am suddenly disgusted by my hesitation. Of course I want this. This isn't Voldemort's side, but the side my father happens to be on. I will do anything for him to be proud of me.

Voldemort stood up. The sudden movement interrupted my thoughts. I swallowed hard.

A giant, green snake moved slowly across the arm of the chair The Lord was seated in. I didn't see it before. But now that I've noticed it, I can't look away. It slithered up to the back of the chair. It's eyes stared at the two of us. I heard Draco draw a large breath beside me.

"I feel they will do well with us," said the snake, turning to rest around the Lord's neck. My eyes widened. The fuck? Did it just talk? I look over to Draco to see only having fear on his face. I my my gaze back to the Lord's head and straightened my posture. My hands still shook by my side. I don't think there is anything that could calm me right now.

"Hush, Nagini." said the Lord. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Draco frown slightly. 

Voledemort whipped around to face us. The sunlight illuminated his figure from behind. I squint, trying to make out his face. It came into focus slowly.

His face. He was missing a nose. I take a step back in shock. Draco stands his ground, but his back curves over. I can tell he wants to move away like I did, but he is much more prepared for this than I am. My feet suddenly look very interesting. I avoid The Lord's eyes.

"Draco," Voldemort begins making the boy flinch beside me, "I wish for you to send detailed reports of everything happening at Hogwarts at every given moment to your father."

"Yes, sir." He said bowing. The Lord then turns to face me, his eyes burning a hole on the top of my head. I dare not meet them, in fear I will explode. I continue to stare at my feet.

"As for you, Mira," he says with a harder tone, "befriend Harry Potter." That's it? I thought he would have me poison someone. 

I stand taller and look up; still not looking at Voldemort. This will be easy, even though I won't like it one bit. Oh, how I hate Potter and his stupid friends. Voldemort seems to sense my distaste in the task,

"Having someone close to him will make it easier to kill him," he adds. I struggle to keep from frowning, making my face blank instead. What makes him think he'll be able to kill Potter if he failed the first time? How exactly did he mess up the killing curse in the first place?

"I don't trust her," said the snake. Did...did it not realize I was literally...right there? I turn to look at Draco who only stood there.

"Only time will tell," replied the Lord. "We will see if she has the guts to do as I ask." I can hear them, what the fuck. I decide against speaking out. The disrespect. People have always underestimated me. Not only will I change to their side for father, but also overshadow them all.

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