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POV: 3rd

The next morning after breakfast, Mira wandered the halls searching for her first class. She was dressed as a normal student now, as she was borrowing one of Luna's old robes. She rounded a corner and ran smack into someone. Her glasses fell to the floor as a boy began profusely apologizing. She felt around the floor searching for her glasses but her fingers brushed ones that weren't her own.

"Oh, these must be your glasses." She said looking up to the boy who had her's in his hands. They exchanged them and she placed them back on her face. She finally got a good look at him. His hair touched the top of his circular frames, hiding his forehead. But she didn't need to see it to know that she ran into Harry Potter. He was holding the schedule she dropped.

"Hi." He said sheepishly.

"Uh, hi." She awkwardly said back. He held the paper Mira was holding up for her to see.

"We have all our classes together, follow me." He said rushing past her to get to where they were supposed to be. She followed him, not wanting to be more late than she already was. Arriving outside, they ran down stairs and into the woods to a large circular area where a group of people were already gathered. The closer they got, she saw that they were surrounding Hagrid. It was nice to see that her first class was with a professor she already knew.

"I've got a real treat for you today. A great lesson. Now quiet down, you lot, less chattering. Open your books to page forty-nine. Now go and have a seat over there, I'll be right over."

A blonde boy asked Hagrid a question and walked away rolling his eyes. Harry and Mira arrived to the group of students. Harry walked over to a girl with puffy brown hair and a ginger boy. Not wanting to intrude, Mira lingered behind him. She looked around the class and saw that the blonde boy seemed to be responding to something that Harry's friend said. She walked over to where Mira was to, assumingly,  avoid the drama. 

"Oh yes, terribly funny. Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." He and a group of others laughed. Harry stepped forward towards the boy.

"Shut up, Malfoy." A chorus of "ohhhs" went through the boys. People started gathering around to see what all the fuss was about. Malfoy stepped closer to Harry. Mira walked forward a little more and bumped into Harry's friend.

"Oh sorry." she whispered. "My name's Hermione, and who are you?"

"It's alright, everyone's been bumping into me today," said Mira smiling, "I'm Mira."

"Draco and Harry have had it out for each other since first year." She explained standing on her tiptoes trying to see what would happen next. Usually, Mira cared very little for drama, but she couldn't help herself. This Malfoy kid must be of very high status to make fun of 'The Boy Who Lived' like that. Or people at Hogwarts just didn't have any respect. Malfoy suddenly looked behind Harry and appeared to have tears in his eyes.  

"Dementor! Dementor!" he shouted pointing behind him. Harry whipped around in fear, but soon realized that Malfoy was simply taunting him. He and his friends flipped their hoods up and started making ghost noises to further scare Harry. Mira had to admit, it was funny. Hermione pushed through the crowd to get to Harry.

"Just ignore." she whispered. Mira looked up and caught Malfoy's eye on accident.

"And who's this?" asked Malfoy, strutting towards Mira.

"Her name is Mira and you don't have any business speaking to her. You're far too rude for her to be friends with." replied Hermione before Mira could respond. Slightly offended that Hermione spoke on her behalf, Mira crossed her arms across her chest and pursed her lips.

"If she does think that way, I wouldn't even bother. Especially since she's friends with a mudblood like you." He spat back. Mira's eyes squinted.

"And who do you think you are calling her a word like that?" She incited. Malfoy scoffed and took a step closer to her. A step too close in her opinion, but she stood her ground staring up at his gray eyes with no fear.

"Do you know who my father is and what he could do to you?" he asked in disgust.

"Obviously, I wouldn't know who your father is if I don't know who you are," Mira took a quick glance at his robes, "but judging by the fact that you're in Slytherin it was wrong of me to assume that you were intelligent enough to reach that conclusion."

"You-" he began but was suddenly interrupted by Hagrid.

"Say hello to Buckbeak," he said. Mira forgot about Malfoy and looked at the beast Hagrid introduced the class to.

"What exactly is that?" Harry's ginger friend asked.

"That, Ron, is a Hippogriff." he replied. He then went on about how they were very proud and dangerous. He emphasized to not insult them. He then called on Mira to 'say hello' to the creature. She approached it and took a deep bow and after a moment, it mirrored her action.

"Well done, Mira!" Hagrid exclaimed. He called on Harry next and put him on top of the creature. It suddenly took flight and the two left the rest of them on the ground. As Harry appeared to be living his best life in the sky, the class watched in awe. As they touched ground Malfoy walked up to the creature. Ignoring Hagrids words of advice, he most certainly insured it. The Hippogriff stood and attacked him. He screamed in pain even though he appeared to only have a scratch.

"Oh it's killed me, oh it's killed me!" He rolled on the ground clutching his arm. Mira burst out laughing.

"Class dismissed!" Hagrid said panicking as he picked up the whining boy. Hermione grabbed Mira's arm and dragged her away from the class back to the castle. Not protesting, Mira followed willingly. Ron and Harry even followed behind them.

"You have Defense Against the Dark Arts with us next, Mira." said Harry as Hermione slowed down.

"Nevermind that," started Hermione, "I can't believe you stood up to Malfoy like that!"

"Why would I not?" Mira laughed, "he had no right to call you that just because of your parentage." Hermione smiled and hugged Mira. Oh how Mira hated physical interaction.

"Guys we're going to be late to Lupin's," said Ron interrupting the embrace. "I suggest we get going." Glad Ron said something, she backed away from Hermione. Harry agreed with Ron and the four set off on their way.

it's okay to stare at me, i understand🖤Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant