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POV: 3rd

Classes went by everyday. She didn't speak to Luna or Cho as often as she used to. Potter and his friends oddly got annoying. Hermione was an insufferable know it all and it was truthfully getting unbearable. Just because you know the answer to everything doesn't mean you need to flaunt it. Mira certainly didn't. Harry never got in trouble except for by Snape, which Mira absolutely hated. The favoritism he got from everyone but Snape was very apparent. And Ron just was just plain annoying.

She found herself sitting next to Malfoy in DADA, by assigned seats, not by choice. She started to learn he knew everything too, but he opted to play dumb. It was a shame, for he could get far with his intelligence, yet he actively made the choice to be a jerk. Ever since he found out Mira was a muggleborn, he always made sure to be a prat about it. He never called her by name, just by 'filthy mudblood.' It didn't hurt her feelings at first, but with the whole of slytherin suddenly bullying her, it started to get to her a little. Not enough to make her cry, but enough to change her mood. She started becoming very quiet. Not many people talked to her. She kept to her studies.

Mira used to find safety in the letters she received from her parents, even though they were usually two or three sentences. But now, they were going unanswered. That was normal though, her parents did tend to neglect her for their work, sometimes for months at a time. It just made the situation worse.

It was nearly the end of the term. Dumbledore finally wanted to get her sorting over with. They continued to push it off and she technically wasn't allowed to wear her robes because she wasn't officially in Ravenclaw yet. She knocked on the headmaster's study's door.

"Sir?" She asked at the door. It suddenly swung open to reveal McGonagall and Dumbledore seated at a table.

"Oh sorry, sir, shall I come back another time?" she asked already halfway out the door.

"Nonsense, child, come in. Minerva, grab the hat, will you?" She nodded and stood up. She went over to a cabinet and pulled out a dusty, brown hat. Mira sat down and the hat was placed on her head.

"Taygeta." It said, suddenly startling her. "Ahhhh, Mira. Mira, Mira, Mira. I sensed you here in the castle. Just as I did you father."

"My father?" She questioned. Her father was a muggle.

"Hush. Your wit and intelligence make you a wonderful Ravenclaw. But your kindness can make you equally as great of a Hufflepuff," it said to her. Dumbledore and Minerva stared at her blankly. Mira pushed the comment about her father away to better focus on the hat's words.

"Ah, but your bravery is equally shown. I can put you in any house. There is no correct answer." Mira frowned. Why would it say that to her?

"What is wrong?" inquired Dumbledore.

"It said I can be in any house. Is that normal?"

"Not typically, but it happens." They sat in silence for a few moments before it finally spoke again.

"Your intelligence defines you," it began. Mira almost jumped with joy. "Ah, but Ravenclaw is not your house. You use your intelligence now academically, but when the time comes you will use it to your own advantage. Evil runs through your veins, but whether or not you choose to harness it, depends on you, and you only. Your house is like your father's. Choose your decisions wisely, or the fall of the house rides on your back." Mira, Dumbledore, and Minerva sat there with their eyes wide open.

".....and what is her house?" asked Dumbledore. 

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