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POV: Mira

I wake up in a bed that isn't my own. I sit up. Blue sheets warm me. Beauxbaton colors. I rub my forehead and look up to see Fluer sits next to me reading a book.

"Are you okay?" she asks looking up from a page. She carefully closes the book.

"Yes," I groan sitting up. "What happened?"

"That I don't know. Your headmaster, however, thinks that you fired a bad spell on accident." she says. She's always covering for me. No matter what. Trusting me blindly. Really, a true friend.

"Thanks," I flip the sheets off of me and stand up. I need to go over my plan. I have to figure this out now. I start to leave.

"Hey," she says, grabbing for my arm. She sets down her book. "What's going on? I'm a bit worried. One second you start having a small headache and then you're screaming for three minutes straight and shatter every piece of glass on the fourth floor. I'm worried for you: what happened?" she asked. 

I'm taken aback. Three minutes. I felt like I was with Voldemort for only a moment.

"I don't know," I lie, "One of the twins gave me a screaming potion this morning, I didn't think it would work I guess." she rolls her eyes. That was a terrible lie. Is there even a such thing as a screaming potion?

"If you ever want to tell me the truth, you can trust me," she grins. I smile in return. She understands. If I want to tell her, I'll come to her eventually. Our friendship is the perfect balance.

 "Alright let's get you back to your house."

She walks me back to the Slytherin common room. Before I head inside, I turn around and hug her. She's taken by surprise because of how much I hate interaction, but the moment just felt right.

"Thank you," I whisper. She squeezes me tighter.

"You're welcome, now go get changed." she says letting go.


"The ball is in an hour. You better come." she says, turning to leave. I shake my head.

"Anything for you!" I call after her. Oh I'll be there.

I smile to myself as I enter the common room.

People stare at me as I walk upstairs. I catch Blaise's eye and he winks. I roll my eyes and walk into my room. Why can't he take a hint. I'm not interested in him.

He came in my room to ask me to the ball. I said no, of course. But still. It's annoying. Boys thinking that they can get what they want because they have a pretty face.

Besides. It's more fun leading people on.

I shut the door and turn around to see Pansy changing into her dress. I have no desire to antagonize her, so I simply ignore her.

I need to figure out what to wear. It has to conceal the knife and also be comfortable enough to move in. But of course it needs to make me look good. Not that I need a dress to do that.

I open my dresser and search through to find a dress. I find a purple gown that looks good enough to hide what I need. I head into the bathroom to change. I don't want Pansy looking at my body.

I slip into it and strap the knife to my thigh under the dress. I look at myself in the mirror.

I look pretty. It's not over the top but it satisfies the bare minimum.

The top part is a strapless, sweetheart shape. The rest of the dress is tight around my body up until right under my butt where tulle poofs out like a mermaid bottom. 

It's cute. The tulle bottom perfectly hides the holster. You can't even feel it if you touch my leg. I smile. This is it. I'm really going to do this. Tonight marks the night where I earn respect and I begin my journey to power.

Power. The word just fits me. I was made for it.

I exit the bathroom to find Pansy staring at me. She obviously wants to complain about something.

"What," I say, not wanting to hear about it later.

"You can't wear that!" she whines from across the room.

"Well I am, and I don't exactly see why you have an issue with it," I say.

"You look exactly like me!" she gestures down to her dress. She's definitely not wrong. I'm wearing practically the same dress but her's is pink and has off the shoulder sleeves. Her hair sits atop her head in a tight bun, just like mine.

I must admit, she looks good. I look fine, but not exceptional. If I'm being honest, I don't really care that we look the same. I'm not trying to look my best.

Just nice enough to hold up the pureblood image. I'm only going to complete my task.

"There is a difference," I walk over to her, "I look better in it than you." 

We both know it's not true, but I have nothing else to say. She smiles.

"Not anymore," she lunges forward, puts both of her hands on my chest, and pulls the fabric down. The dress rips clean in half. My hand immediately goes to my side to shield the knife as my dress falls off of me. It was my first instinct. 

Not wanting to give myself away I strike her across the face with the back of my other hand. How dare she even touch me?

"Do not ever land your hands on me again or I swear to Merlin I will murder you," I growl.

She softly touches the area I slapped and laughs.

"Hmmm. Until then, have fun trying to find something proper to wear," she winks and shuts the door behind her. I let go of halves of the dress left and let them fall to the floor. 

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