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POV: Mira

I wiped my face on my sleeve. I hate them. They never were here for me when I needed them. People just keep letting me down. I don't need anyone anymore. I walked with my head held high with my bag in my hand. No one was going to hurt me again. I was on my way to the dungeons when I heard voices in front of me. I don't exactly understand why I need to move, especially to an environment where everyone hates me. And we're leaving school soon anyways.

"Give it to me!" said one of the Weasley twins.

"No, I want to look first!" said the other.

"Fine." said the first, obviously a bit annoyed.

"What do we have here, boys?" I called from behind making them jump.



"Really." I say not believing them. I moved closer, giving them my best stare. They both took a step back, slightly intimidated.

"Mira, right?" asked the second one. I nod my head in approval.

"Ah, you're the girl that bullies Ron. He calls you a bitch a lot," said the first. The second smacked his head.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked. It was quite funny to me, so I didn't fire an insult back. But I didn't exactly bully Ron. He just messed up a potion and I hexed him. A perfectly reasonable reaction to his stupidity.

"I do get called that a lot. But that might be because of my lack of socializing with other students," I shrugged, "May I walk with you two?" I asked. The two twins exchanged a glance in surprise and nodded.

"So which of you is George and which of you is Fred?" I asked into the silence.

"That's Fred," says George.

"That's George," says Fred.

"It's nice to make your acquaintance." They say in unison.

"And I you." I add. As we rounded a hallway, I heard Fred whisper to himself.

"Hmm, Fred?" I asked, turning to see him holding a paper and his wand. The paper had writing appearing on it slowly. "What's that?"

"The Marauders Map." George boasted. I took it out of Fred's hands to examine it.

"Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs." I read aloud.

"Hey! Careful with that!" yelled Fred in my ear. I unfolded it to reveal the castle. On the paper, ink splotches seemed to be moving.

"Is this...a map of the castle with everyone in it?" I asked looking up at the two smiling twins.

"Yes. Every movement is shown on that map. And you can have it." said Fred. I laughed aloud for the first time that day.

"I can't take this." I pushed it back towards them.

"We've had it since first year, we don't really need it anymore." George shrugged.

"So, how does it work?" I asked, as we arrived at the front of the slytherin common room.

"You tap it with your wand and say," Fred began.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," George finished for him. "And to make it all go away,"

"You say Mischief managed." said Fred.

"Hmm. Thanks boys." I smiled. They nodded and left me there with a map and my things in front of the Slytherin house. 

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