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POV: Draco

"Should I ask her to the ball?" Zabini asks for the tenth time, spinning around in his chair.

"If you want to get eaten alive, sure," I say, fiddling with a pen.

"Did you see the second year she shoved when she was trying to find you? He had to get stitches up his cheek."

"It was a first year," I correct, sitting up straight. I really don't want to think about her more. It's not possible for me to hate anyone more than her. 

She ever surpasses Potter, and that alone should say a great deal. The disrespect she shows me. I don't think she understands that I am superior to her in every way: I need respect.

"I never thought I would say this," Zabini says, putting his feet up on his desk, "but I wish I were Potter. Imagine kissing her."

He has managed to make me even more angry. There was just something that pissed me off about them kissing. I spread the rumor to make Potter look bad, not whatever I told her. But I must admit: what I told her was very quick thinking on my part.

"She didn't kiss him back so it doesn't count" I say, too quickly.

"Are you jealous, Malfoy?" Zabini smiles.

"Of course not," I cross my arms. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to write to mother."

After a few minutes, he gets up to find Mira. I pity him. I heard she rejected Diggory too. I can tell, she's taken a liken to him. I wonder why she rejected them both. Maybe a power play?

I shake my head and pull out the letter mother sent me to reread it again.

Dearest Draco,

Your father has discovered there is no, and was no, death eater with the last name Aenigma. The girl's father does not exist. The last name itself was odd on it's own. Not one of the wizarding kind.

Thank you for sending her results. Based off of her interaction with Harry Potter, we ask that you do all the research you can on the name 'Camile Paellicio.'

Your being in Hogwarts gives you access to one of the greatest libraries. Please use this to your advantage and send your discoveries back to me. We will explain her significance at some point in the future.

We have also discovered that the man we called the Dark Lord at the start of your term was not actually him. There was someone in his place instructing you both. We currently know nothing of the Lord's true whereabouts and if the letters we are receiving from him are even authentic.

I will update you if more information is to come,

N. Malfoy

I've read it four or five times so far. It's fairly short, and not descriptive, but that's how I know it's really mother. The more I think of the letter, the more it makes sense. There was something so off about Voldemort when we first met him. He was nothing like father described. No intense fear factor. I was more confused than afraid. And father and I never really discussed it after, hinting at his hesitation to believe it was really Voldemort.

And the tasks we were assigned: what even was the significance of me updating mother and father every week? I do that anyways. The information wasn't going to Voldemort, why did he need me writing about it? Mira's task was equally as baffling. 

It's been puzzling me since she's gotten it. Why does she need to befriend Potter if he's going to be killed. It seems....pointless. No, it is pointless. There must be another reason behind it. Maybe to test her allegiance? To see at some point who she picks, a friend or the Lord?

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