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POV: 3rd

Over the course of the summer, Pansy and Mira hadn't spoken once. They were clueless to each other's lives. News of her being a pure blood had quickly spread around the community, allowing her to be accepted into the household with open arms. She was given a bedroom and basic amenities. Mira locked herself inside her room and never left. She spent her time alone practicing spells and studying to ensure she was the greatest witch there was. It changed her. Mira became much colder and more reserved. A true Slytherin. She walked with a certain air. Like she knew she was better than everyone else. 

This summer, she received a total of 16 letters from her father. With every letter arrived a gift of money and clothing. Mira understood that now she was a pure blood, she must properly represent the community. She could no longer dress like a muggle. Judging by the silks she was gifted, Mira knew that the Aenigma family was wealthy and she took pride in that fact.

Mira grew to love her father: he gave her the attention that she missed out on in her childhood. She worshipped his words and was ready to join the ranks of the death eaters for him, and only him.

In truth, his letters to her were very minimal and spoke only of the Dark Lord and his plans, unless she asked about anything particular. Mira, however, was too blinded by the attention she was receiving.

She knew nothing of him. Not even his first name. All Mira knew of him was that they shared the same last name: Aenigma. She never found the lack of information odd at all and never even thought to ask. Her only interest was her father and what she could do to please him.

Her obsession was growing day by day. 'Father,' she wrote in her latest letter a week prior to leaving for Hogwarts, 'why hasn't mother written to me yet?" She then also included details of the latest charm she learned of. The day before leaving, Mira received a response:

'My Mira,

Your mother passed in the giving of your birth.

She was a ravenclaw. But most certainly belonged in Slytherin, with me. Her intelligence was captivating, yet, the evil that ran inside her drew me toward her. She never used her mind when dealing in the dark, however. Her aspirations were simply too incomprehensible to the average wizard. Her decisions were rash and spontaneous. She always exceeded expectations and went above and beyond to bring terror. She was the one who truly turned me and we rose in power together. If you wish to hear more of her, it will not be from me.


She read over the letter at least a hundred times. Mira wanted to be exactly like her mother. Maybe it would make her father love her more. And maybe, just maybe, she would be allowed to stay with him.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, a boy whispered in her ear,

"Our father's are waiting in the Slytherin common room for us," he said. She turned to find Draco Malfoy behind her. In one of her father's letters to her, Mira discovered that the Malfoy's were death eaters, so she wasn't surprised he was involved in this. 

They shared a nod and made their way to the dungeons. They didn't exchange any words on the way there. It was just too awkward. Draco had only learned of Mira being a pureblood, like him, recently. Did he regret what he used to say to her? Of course not. The boy was taught to never back down. Besides; the girl deserved it. Mira still hated Draco with an equal passion; especially because of his previous words to her.

They hadn't seen each other since the common room last year, which made the walk so much more awkward. Draco had grown up. He looked much more mature and as much as Mira didn't want to admit, more handsome. It must've been the change in his hair. 'He could be nicer this year? ' She thought. Mira couldn't think like that, though: he was her competition. The Dark Lord wanted the most faithful of servants. And she was determined to be the most faithful. 

Draco felt differently: he wished to work together to make the tasks easier on him. The increasing pressure of his parents was making him crack. He didn't have a choice in this, and didn't really want to be involved.

"Draco, Mira," said a man with long hair as soon as they entered the room. She held her head up high to greet him,

"Mr. Malfoy," she says, instantly recognizing the bleach blonde hair, "What a pleasure it is to meet you,"

"The pleasure is mine," he says, not acknowledging his own son. Draco shifted uncomfortably behind her. Silence encompassed the room. Mira's eyes scanned the room.

"I'm sorry, sir," she says, noticing Mr. Malfoy was the only one in the room besides her and his son, "where exactly is my father?"

"Ah," Lucius says, and began to repeat exactly as he was told to say to the girl, "your father happens to be on business today; he sends his best regards." Mira pressed her lips together and looked down in disappointment.

"Then, father, what are we both here for?" Draco asks. Lucius' face suddenly brightens.

"The Dark Lord wishes to speak with you both," he smiles.

"The Dark Lord?" Draco and Mira ask at the same time in disbelief. Neither of them had ever spoken to him before. How did he even get into Hogwarts?

"Upstairs. Go." Lucius says. He took a quick glance at their shocked faces before he disapparated with a crack. Draco turned to look at Mira in fear before they slowly made their way up the stairs.

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